JFF issues cease and desist order prohibiting football

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Old Harbour News
05/03/2021 - 20:45
With the Disaster Risk Management Act (DRMA) still in effect in lieu of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, football’s local governing body has issued a decree prohibiting tournaments.
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In a statement issued today, the Jamaica Football Federation (JFF) “categorically and publicly disassociates itself from any youth or adult football tournament which is being played in the island at this time”.

It is not sure what prompted this move by the JFF, as all football competitions under its auspices have been placed on hold since the first Covid-19 case was announced in March of 2020.

Talks to resume football on the island remain an ongoing process  with a number of industry stakeholders, including the government, but a resolution on the way forward is still being hammered out.

In clear breach of the DMR Act football tournaments, more popularly refer to as ‘Corner League’ are being held in a few communities across several parishes, Old Harbour News understands.

However, while these tournaments do not fall under the umbrella of the JFF, some organisers involved are oftentimes affiliated members within their respective parish.

Aware that this might be the case, the JFF issued this warning. 

“No permission has been given for any tournament. All players, coaches and other individuals associated with any tournament do so illegally under the disaster preparedness laws of Jamaica. 

“The JFF is therefore mandating all concerned with any tournament, youth or adult, to cease and desist all activities. Anybody found to be involved in any new activity will face the full force of the laws of the federation and will be reported to the Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management for their attention.”

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