Brilliant Old Harbour girl gets government scholarship

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Old Harbour News
08/12/2020 - 14:00
Life in high school is about to get less taxing for Michelle Thompson whose daughter, Shantae Williams, has been awarded a government scholarship.
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Williams, a recent graduate and former head girl of Old Harbour Primary, will be attending the famed Campion College after logging an impressive 99.2 percent average in this year’s Primary Exit Profile (PEP) national exam.

The scholarship is valid throughout Williams’ high school years, excluding sixth form once she maintains excellent academic performance. Its value varies for each recipient, covering tuition, auxiliary fee and other school-related expenses.

Williams’ mother is delighted.

“This scholarship is a life changer and will have a great impact on me and my child both mentally and financially,” Thompson told Old Harbour News. “Financially I was trying to put the pieces together, which have not all fall in place yet. Hearing of this scholarship is a life changer. Even though I am not sure what the scholarship entails, I am positive that it covers some of the expenses that I would have to encounter. I am walking on cloud nine.”

George Goode, principal of Old Harbour Primary said: “The principal and staff of the Old Harbour Primary School would like to congratulate Shantae Williams, our head girl, on obtaining a government scholarship. We are extremely proud of her. Continue to soar to higher heights.”

Every year hundreds of primary students are awarded government scholarships based on their performance in the school-leaving national exam to gain entry into high school.

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