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‘Hurt’ Warmington slams ‘disrespectful’ NHT

  • Oct 12, 2022 06:31 PM | ‘Hurt’ Warmington slams ‘disrespectful’ NHT , Top News, News

Member of Parliament, St Catherine South Western Everald Warmington (right) presents a homeowner with her keys at Roseneath Park Handing Over Ceremony today. (OH News Photo)

Veteran politician and political firebrand Everald Warmington delivered a scathing rebuke against the National Housing Trust (NHT) with regards to concerns at the Villages of Colbeck Castle in his constituency of St Catherine South Western.

Delivering greetings in his capacity as the member of parliament in front of a packed audience at this morning’s Handing Over Ceremony for Roseneath Park, where Prime Minister Andrew Holness and NHT Chairman Lennox Channer and other dignitaries were in attendance, the straight-talking MP went on a tirade against the state agency over what he described as the blatant “disrespect” for his office as the people’s elected representative.

“I wish to move off strip (sic) at this stage because I don’t believe I can say I commend the National Housing Trust. I don’t what to rein on any a parade, but I am going to go off strip (sic). Mr Prime Minister you’ll forgive me and I ask for your understanding,” a clearly upset Warmington forewarned. “I am here this morning because the prime minister is present and if I wasn’t here it would appear as if it’s disrespect to him.

“But I’m not here for the Housing Trust because they show little or no regard for me and this constituency and that is reciprocated by me. The disrespect, the arrogance that is displayed or extended to me and this constituency by the person who (apparently) runs the Housing Trust, Donald Moore, or the person who appears to own it; the disdain that he has for elected representatives, I cannot continue with this presentation but to come off script… (He Donald Moore) refuse to speak to me and the constituency about Colbeck Castle (sic). I want to make it clear that – and Prime Minister again forgive me – the hurt that I feel… Let me make it quite clear the Housing Trust will not have an entrance to Colbeck Castle (sic) through the Bodles Agricultural Station, you will not enter through the Banana Research Station, you will not enter through northern Colbeck Castle to allow the students going to that school to be raped and attacked by people in those dark corners. You will use the original entrance. You will have to rebuild that bridge to take you into the development. You will have to commit to the section of the land that was left there by BRC Developers before you guys got there… without that being done Colbeck Castle (sic) will not go forward.”

Mr Warmington is making reference to a proposed amendment to access the Villages of Colbeck Castle, a massive housing development project currently under construction some 2km north of the Old Harbour town centre.

A little over 2,100 housing units will be built on 394 acres of prime real estate   and will see the building of a new high school and a primary institution, as well as a commercial zone that incorporates the historical Colbeck Castle heritage site.

In singling out Donald Moore, Warmington is referring to the NHT’s senior general manager for construction and development, who has direct oversight for the planning and implementation of the Trust’s construction and development portfolio.

Asked to respond to Warmington’s comments following the conclusion of the ceremony where 30 Jamaicans received keys to their new home, NHT Chairman Channer angrily said “no comment”.

The NHT delegation were left red-faced during Mr Warmington’s rant, however Prime Minister Holness assured the audience that a consensus will be hammered out among all the parties involved in this major development, estimated to cost in excess of $24 billion.

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