The Jamaica Progressive Party (JPP) has aborted plans to contest the September 3 General Election.
In a release the JPP, which is primarily made up of ministers of religion, stated “we have taken the strategic decision to retool, sharpen our political acumen and strengthen our organization’s internal and external structures and not contest the upcoming general election”.
It said the party has been experiencing difficulties in laying the foundation for its political machinery, with its president Gilbert Alexander Edwards is claiming to be a deliberate strategy of the two main political parties to make its emergence as difficult as possible.
“For example, our party was blocked from opening an account at a number of banking institutions, due to existing bureaucracy which does not facilitate new political parties opening accounts.
“We like other new political parties have suffered the same marginalization; and therefore, we are condemning this systemic discrimination which does not affect the two tribal parties in Jamaica. In the interest of all Jamaica the playing field must be made level,” the JPP said.
“The party leader expressed that the impacting ‘coincidences’ are too many to be coincidences and believes they are strong indicators of a circumvention,” it added.
Read full statement below
The Jamaica Progressive Party is Jamaica’s fourth political party registered with the aim of contesting the general election, called on August 11, 2020 with an election date on September 3, 2020. The party is led by philanthropist and returning resident, Gilbert Alexander Edwards. “JPP is more than a party, we are a movement, one that is determined to empower Jamaicans, especially the oppressed and less fortunate. It is with this in mind that we have taken the strategic decision to retool, sharpen our political acumen and strengthen our organization’s internal and external structures and not contest the upcoming general election”. The party leader professes to be spiritually mandated to invest in Jamaica with an expected return on investment being the upliftment of his “fellow Jamaicans”. Mr. Edwards boldly states, “I stand by the projected developments and offerings detailed in the party’s manifesto, as they are not promises but a commitment as I too once fell in the category of the less fortunate of this country. It is my solemn vow to do right by my Jamaican people who have been wronged by fifty eight (58) years of a false sense of liberty and seventy six (76) years of an even less authentic sense of true democracy, promulgated by two tribalistic political parties. Jamaicans need to be truly free and deserve real democracy. Isn’t that what our heroes died for?” The party has been experiencing difficulties in laying the foundation in order to effect its plans. The leader stated that Jamaica suffers from a virus called, “red-tapism”, a “plandemic” instituted by the minority who sits on top and the only ones suffering are the less fortunate people. For example, our party was blocked from opening an account at a number of banking institutions, due to existing bureaucracy which does not facilitate new political parties opening accounts. We like other new political parties have suffered the same marginalization; and therefore, we are condemning this systemic discrimination which does not affect the two tribal parties in Jamaica. In the interest of all Jamaica the playing field must be made level. In short order we will be calling on all other Jamaicans to join the great band of supporters that we have been able to win on our side thus far to boycott these institutions. In a recent poll our supporters have placed us second in line as most favourable to form the next government. “It is not coincidental that an election was suddenly called as our party garnered momentum and was actively building its internal structure”. It is not coincidental that at a time when the country is experiencing exponential increase in COVID-19 cases an election was suddenly called. The quest for power seems to be greater than the care about the health of the people and those twenty five thousand (25,000) people in quarantine who will be disenfranchised as they will not be able to vote while battling the effects and/or restrictions of COVID-19. It is for this very reason that JPP along with most Jamaicans are demanding a fixed election date as was promised and not fulfilled by the two tribal political parties. The party leader expressed that the impacting “coincidences” are too many to be coincidences and believes they are strong indicators of a circumvention. Mr. Edwards proscribes all forms of skulduggery within Jamaica’s political landscape and pledges to offer Jamaicans real hope and quality uncorrupted leadership in the future. “As an illustration of our commitment, unlike the other tribal parties, JPP has fully contracted fifty eight (58) candidates and continues to legitimize its employee cohort by further contracting all candidates’ team which amounts to a whopping one thousand and twenty six (1026) progressors. Regardless of our decision not to contest the upcoming election, we continue to serve our nation through nation building representation in all parishes across Jamaica.” We thank all the persons in Jamaica and in the diaspora for your overwhelming support and crave your understanding as it relates to our decision. We also express appreciation and gratitude for welcoming JPP in your thought process and for buying into the Vision and Mission of this great movement. Additionally, those who are late in subscribing to the Vision and Mission, we appreciate your feedback through various platforms especially the various memes that have created many light-hearted moments which exhibit the creativity of our Jamaican people in particular of our youths. As delineated in the Jamaica Progressive Party’s mission statement, the party is an all-embracing party, supporting the welfare of all Jamaicans, at home and abroad. Hence, as we embark on nation-building activities, don’t be shy…give JPP a try.
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