OUR explains why landlords must pay hefty water bills incurred by tenants

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Old Harbour News
03/01/2020 - 18:00
It’s a passionate debate which oftentimes becomes very heated when homeowners are forced to clear a hefty water bill accumulated over time by tenants who have since vacated the premises.
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And so it was at Monday’s Office of Utilities Regulation’s (OUR) Town Hall Meeting at the Institute of Vocational and Professional Training Institute in Spring Village, St Catherine.

While that’s not the case for landlords with other utility companies like the Jamaica Public Service (JPS) and Flow once the utility bill isn’t in the name of the property owner, the utility regulator can do very little.

In making the point to rousing applause from the audience, one participant argued that the NWC should adopt the JPS model where tenants are held accountable for any arrears incurred at the time they occupied the premises.

“It is unfair for you to rent out your place and when the people them gone, them gone and leave this big bill, and you end up have to pay it and it’s not you use it.

“Why water commission don’t put things in place for renters? They should put things in place like JPS does!

“People who rent out their place, it is an investment and it doesn’t make sense you invest in a place and then somebody come and leave $10,000 worth a water bill and you have to tek di whole a di money you get for renting the place and tek it pay water bill,” said the woman who objected to stating her name formally when she took the microphone.

In responding, Gordon Brown, public affairs co-ordinator, OUR said: “Though your point is well made and it is understood, the point is, it is law. However you have the right and it is your responsibility to have laws change. The OUR does not get into parliament except to answer questions.”

As it relates to forcing an amendment to the existing law, Brown urged the audience to lobby through various civic and political groups and to familiarise themselves with the guaranteed standards which protects them and their money.

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