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Entrepreneur Chenelle Gushman providing scholarships for young sports athletes

  • Feb 28, 2025 10:41 AM | Top News, Business, Lifestyle

The Gushman Sports brand has become popular among many sporting teams.

Nothing brings Jamaican people together quite like sports. The excitement, display of skill and expertise always seem like a rallying cry to get the young and the young at heart out in their numbers whether actively participating or cheering on from the sidelines.

Indeed, sports is one glue that many find relatable and is also seen as a great opportunity for young people to maintain good health while making a name for themselves. For Chenelle Gushman, it is through her passion for sports that she has made herself an agent of change.

By positioning herself and more specifically her brand, Chenelle is transforming lives one scholarship at a time through innovation, creativity and through the provision of something every Jamaican loves just as much as sports - a good party.

The 29-year-old who hails from Church Pen began her own sports brand some six years ago and has built a good and steady momentum based on quality. Gushman Sports is now a name synonymous with practically any popular Jamaican sport.

According to Gushman, who played and hosted netball and football tournaments for the Longville Park community, doing what you love makes the work rewarding and knowing that your efforts transform lives makes it all worthwhile.

“I’m creating a legacy for my last name and so far the feedback has been good with the brand. I migrated overseas but I get a good amount of orders in Jamaica though I haven’t been actively promoting,” said Gushman, a former employee and netball player for Jamaica Customs.

The young entrepreneur is always busy working on the next project to better the lives of young athletes, whether in Jamaica or the United States. Sportswear is her calling card and her medium through which she works with everyone from individuals, corporate companies, community teams and educational institutions to equip them with one of a kind gear that is fresh, fashionable and perfectly fitted.

Her latest project is an upcoming party ‘Lit Thursdaze: Lets Rave for a Cause - Jersey Edition’ set for Thursday, July 18, 2024 in Panama City, Florida. This event is sponsored by Facebeat Ambassador, Fresh Drop Motors, Slingshot Rentals, 9 World Entertainment, Rowe Auto Transport, Allen’s Empresa and Delukx Concepts. Her party series are fundraisers where proceeds from ticket sales go towards a scholarship fund for student athletes in Jamaica.

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In 2022 Gushman Sports held its first scholarship fundraiser – a jersey party. Karran Salmon of GC Foster College of Physical Education and Sport – Gushman’s alma mater – was the lucky recipient.

“The aim is to do more scholarships and incorporate more institutions, schools and clubs. I call what I do ‘DIPS Jamaica’ and that acronym stands for Developing, Improving and Promoting Sports Jamaica and when I came oversea I just say DIPS,” she said.

“We want to cover football, netball and basketball and sponsor a set of uniforms for high schools but because there are so many schools out there that have reached out to us, I decided to make it a competition wherein the schools can enter and state why they believe that they are deserving of the scholarships and add a video component endorsing Gushman Sports.”

Initially, Gushman Sports started doing t-shirts and then jerseys and gears for a local call centre and then football gear for Old Harbour United, the 2023 St Catherine Football Association (SCFA) Division One champion. Netball uniforms came after for several sports clubs including the Ministry of Education, Scotia Bank, RJR/Gleaner Communication Group, Queens Park United, Maritime Transports as well as Jamaica Defence Force units plus several halls at UWI and UTECH.

“The feedback has been good with the brand. I migrated overseas but I get a good amount of orders in Jamaica though I haven’t been actively promoting. You know, me nah gwan too bad fi a girl that just decided to start do har own ting,” she said.

‘Doing her thing’ has led to the establishment of netball, soccer and basketball tournaments in Panama City Beach in Florida in 2022.

“Each team that enters automatically gets gear from Gushman so that is another avenue through which I spread my brand,” she pointed out.

Gushman, who grew up between Longville Park, Clarendon and Church Pen, St. Catherine, was always actively involved in sports. She attended both Garvey Maceo High before transitioning to sixth form at Old Harbour High where she did netball and football. Later she pursued a Degree in Education at GC Foster College. She has taken her winning formula with her and would love to expand the reach and number of scholarships given to other tertiary institutions such UTech which she said has been instrumental in building her brand as they have been supporting her as far back as 2019.

Sports enthusiasts, she shared, are drawn to Gushman Sports because they recognise quality when they see it.

“People love my gear because it is different, whether it is gym wear or sportswear. Also, my designs are unique. You won’t see them anywhere else. My ultimate dream is to have my brand up there with the top brands such as Addidas and Nike,” she said. “I used to think that it took millions to start a brand until I did more research. Soon I realised that I didn’t need millions but I did need endorsements so I started doing my little investments which paid off. I am building. My money may not be strong now but I do hope in the future to own my own factory and retail store.”