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Honoring mothers in Islam: A debt we can never repay

  • Feb 28, 2025 10:41 AM | Top News, Commentary, Religion

Image by Iqbal Nuril Anwar from Pixabay

In Islam, the status of mothers is unparalleled, their honor and respect is emphasized through both divine revelation and prophetic traditions.

The Quran explicitly enjoins kindness and respect towards parents, with a special emphasis on mothers.

In chapter 17, verse 24, Allah says: Thy Lord has commanded, Worship none but Him, and show kindness to parents. If one of them or both of them attain old age with thee, never say unto them any word expressive of disgust nor reproach them, but address them with excellent speech.

The Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) repeatedly highlighted the elevated status of mothers.

Once a man asked him, "O Messenger of Allah, who among the people is the most worthy of my good companionship?"
He replied, "Your mother."
The man asked, "Then who?"
The Prophet said, "Your mother."
The man asked again, "Then who?"
The Prophet repeated, "Your mother."
The man asked a fourth time, and the Prophet finally said, "Your father." (Sahih Bukhari)

This saying of the Prophet emphasizes the unparalleled rights of mothers and the debt of gratitude owed to them by their children. It is a reminder that the love, care, and sacrifices of a mother cannot be equaled by anyone else.

The responsibilities of mothers are multifaceted, including nurturing, guiding, and unconditional love. From pregnancy to childbirth, from infancy to adulthood, mothers play a pivotal role in shaping the character and future of their children. They are the first educators, imparting moral values, religious teachings, and life lessons.

In Islam, the debt we owe to our mothers is one that can never be fully repaid. Their love, sacrifices, and prayers are invaluable treasures bestowed upon us. Thus, it is incumbent upon us to treat them with kindness, respect, and utmost care, fulfilling our responsibilities towards them as mandated by our faith.

As we celebrate Mother's Day and every day, let us reflect on the profound teachings of Islam regarding mothers and strive to honor them in the best possible manner. May we never forget the debt we owe to our mothers and may we always strive to repay it with love, gratitude, and devotion.

Misbah Anmol Tariq is a member of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. Send feedback to