Chris Anthony Salter (left), consumer marketing manager Nestle Milo presents a symbolic cheque to , Governor of Optimist International Caribbean District Maria Streete-Hendricks (centre) and Obryan Leighton, Optimist International Caribbean District and Tri Star Sports.
Optimist clubs from across the Caribbean region will mark its centennial year with a sporting initiative targeting 200 children.
The targeted age group is 8-13 years old who will all compete in a competition dubbed the Tri Star Sports Contest.
Chairman of the organizing committee Obryan Leighton of Old Harbour explained that the youngsters will first be exposed to a series of clinics led by expert coaches.
“The ideology behind this event is that children in the specified age group showcase their talents while learning three skills in a particular sport,” said Leighton.
“But to mark the centennial year in Optimist International, the Caribbean district will not just do one sport in a series of contests across the region in May, but two.”
Football and netball are the disciplines that will be used.
Importantly the team has secured funding for the initiative with Nestle, through its popular Milo brand, coming on board with a $200,000 investment as title sponsor during the recent launch of the event at Terra Nova Hotel.
The funds, according Leighton, will be used to co-ordinate operations in Jamaica and Antigua and Barbuda.
Aside from having participants expose to the rudiments of each sport, “a nutritionist will speak to the children about their health” with a view of inculcating lifelong habits that would aid their overall development as athletes.
The contest will spread to two other islands in the district and as such partners such as the National Sports Council in Barbados deserve notable recognition,” Leighton told Old Harbour News.
“Cayman Islands will also host a contest for the first time in its territory and this will facilitate the Optimist International movement serving even more children across the region.
“Amazingly, the Tri Star Sports committee has been able to partner with sporting bodies, schools, coaches , Sagicor Life, FOTS team of Digicel Busines and other stakeholders that will see the children being provided with back-to-school supplies, on hand medical services if necessary, venues to utilize and so on.
This story is even more remarkable, given the fact that this contest is free of costs and children right across the length and breadth of the Caribbean will be able to interact, showcase their skills, have fun and be rewarded for their efforts.”
Leighton said it is important for children to be exposed and learn about the “philosophy of Optimism through sports” enshrined in its creed.
Activities will begin at 9:30 am and ends at 12:30 pm on the following days and venues below:
• May 11, 2019 Jessie Ripoll Primary School- Jamaica
• May 18, 2019 Liberta Sports Club -Antigua and Barbuda
• May 25, 2019 National Sports Stadium – Barbados
• May 25, 2019 Truman Bodden Complex – Cayman Islands
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