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DAILY DEVOTION: Under Construction (The Fine Tuning)

  • Mar 07, 2021 05:00 AM | Religion

Out goes the masons and in comes the designers and the carvers. So far you might look like all the other buildings, but trust me, you are not like all the others. There is a unique plan in store for you.

Have you ever felt that way, with you and God? Well, you should. He has never or will ever make one more like you. This will come out more, in your fine tuning. You have a role to play that none other can. There was only one Adam to start humanity, one Noah to build the ark, one Abraham to father the nation, one Moses to deliver the nation, Joshua to bring them in, David-King, Elijah-Carmel, Daniel-lions' den, Esther-go to the king, Nehemiah-wall, John the Baptist-forerunner and only one Jesus Christ to die for the sins of mankind. There can be only one you to fulfill your unique role. Since you are the only one for your job and the Master loves precision, don't be surprised when He would cut away the residue that would hinder you from being the perfect fit. His carvings might be somewhat harsh but His intentions are very true. Trust me, no trust the word which tells us that the end product is going to be glorious. God, in His awesome wisdom, uses hardships to shape and fashion us into His design. We don't smile much about it now, but one day we will actually praise and thank Him for every cut of His divine chisel. As God builds patience in us, let's be patient with Him. Who knows, maybe at the end we'll say to Him: "Well done my good and faithful Master, I will now shine for your glory forevermore."

2 Cor. 4:17: For our light afflictions, which is but for a moment, worketh for us an exceeding and eternal weight of glory.

Pastor Gary Williams is head of the Cedar Grove Baptist (Independent) Church, located at Cedar Grove Estate, Portmore, St Catherine, and also a certified counsellor. Send feedback to or