Grange wants Jamaicans to intervene to end violence against women

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Old Harbour News
04/10/2019 - 19:00
The country’s gender minister Olivia Grange has condemned recent acts of violence against women and is urging Jamaicans to do more to end the violence.
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Grange said the killing of 42-year-old Roulene Clarke-Cowan on Wednesday morning highlighted that “intimate partner violence is more common than we are willing to admit”.

The police report that Cowan was shot dead by her husband, Patrick Cowan, who later killed himself.

This morning, the police reported another incident in which a woman was attacked by her common-law husband, who later took his own life.  The woman has been admitted to hospital in a serious condition.

Grange, who is the culture, entertainment and sport minister, said: “Let us remember the victims and their families in our prayers at this time.  We are grateful to the neighbours who called the police this morning — that intervention might have saved this woman’s life.

“But we can do more as a society to intervene and end the violence.  If you know that someone is being abused, please do not remain silent.  Do not look the other way.  Call the police.  Your intervention could save lives.”

Minister Grange also reminded women in violent relationships that the government has established a national shelter “to help them leave violent living environments and to receive counselling and other assistance”.

She said the ministry would establish two additional shelters for women in this financial year.

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