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Hi-Pro: Animal feed supply disruption ‘rectified’

  • Dec 28, 2022 05:24 PM | Top News, Business

The following is a statement from Hi-Pro regarding recent disruption to the supply of livestock feed to local farmers.

See full text below:

"Hi-Pro wishes to assure the public that we are working alongside the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries and other stakeholders including the Jamaica Agricultural Society, livestock associations, farmers and farm store operators to ensure that farmers’ needs for animal feed are met.  To this end, we have been producing and delivering feed to customers in all 14 parishes throughout the long holiday weekend and will continue to produce and distribute high quality feed to our customers islandwide.  Our inventories are good and feed is available.

"The tightness in the market was due to a short-lived disruption in our supply chain resulting from global logistic challenges, which was rectified last week.  Since then, we have been at full production and have put measures in place to fully supply our farmers’ needs.

"We recognize the vital role that farmers play in ensuring the food security of our nation and Hi-Pro we will continue to work with all stakeholders to ensure this is achieved."