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Elevation Cycling Club fetes Sunbeam boys

Elevation Cycling Club fetes Sunbeam boys

Article By: Old Harbour News
  • Apr 18, 2023 09:37 AM | Featured, Top News, Sports

Pastor Desmond Whitley (centre), manager, Sunbeam Boys Home, makes a point during a discussion with Elevation Cycling Club President Velana Creary (left) and club coordinator Winston Mollison on April 16, 2023. (OH News Photo)

Forty boys housed at the Sunbeam Boys Home in southwest St Catherine, were feted Sunday by the Elevation Cycling Club.

The Bodles-based cycling club, in its continued push to raise the profile of its brand, treated the boys with bun and cheese and juice, as the Easter holiday week came to an exciting end for the children.

During several hours spent, the club members took the time out to engage the wards in a few fun activities where special prizes were also awarded to the participants.
Indeed, it was time well spent with the boys, says Velana Creary, president of the Elevation Cycling Club and they are already looking ahead with partnering with the privately-run care home.

“For me boys especially need a little bit more structure than girls for them to stay more focus. For instance, in cycling we are trying to focus on boys to reach them through cycling. If we can get boys to do cycling through the boys home it will help them stay out of trouble most of the time, help them to focus on school a little bit better and help them overall to develop themselves,” Creary told Old Harbour News afterwards, while noting that girls are not overlooked.

“There is a significant disadvantage that children in these institutions suffer, and that is, whilst there are cared for by a very proficient and caring set of staff, they’re not as exposed to other social norms of life including interacting with the wider community. And so it is paramount that groups from time to time come in to the facility not only to offer food but to speak to the boys,” added Pastor Desmond Whitley, manager of 13 years of the home which was established in the 1970s.

It is not a novelty for the boys at Sunbeam to be feted by outside groups, but it is something that Whitley and the management staff welcome at every opportunity as it aids them in their social development and interaction as “being institutionalized in a home can be debilitating”.

“So when groups come in it opens them up to real things and real life and to make them feel wanted and a part of the community and a part of the society,” Whitley reasoned.
On learning of the Elevation Cycling Club, Whitley admitted he never heard of them before until recently but believes a great partnership could be in the making.

“The word elevation captures my imagination because it is speaking about an upward mobility and cycling is an energetic sport and young people are energetic; and so if you can steer their energy to a positive thing if could steer them away from negative things,” he said.

“I am excited and I am looking forward to see what this Elevation Cycling Club is all about and how we can partner with them especially going into the summer when the boys are going to be home and they’ll need sporting activities to keep them occupied.”

Creary agrees, but is also open to other partnerships with other corporate entities that will enable them to institute sustainable development programmes for the boys’ home and other institutions.

“We don’t know what the future holds,” Creary said, “but yes my hope is that we can partner with different homes and even different companies because we don’t want to separate ourselves, we want to do this together.”