Old Harbour among Jamaica’s most infected COVID-19 communities
This was revealed in data presented during a virtual meeting of the special select parliamentary committee for public health on Tuesday. St…
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Thetford family lambasts Old Harbour police following raid
Twenty-seven year-old March alias ‘John’, Lamar Newell, 27, and Matthew Simpson, 18, were all taken into police custody following…
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Annual Old Harbour & Friends Association Spring Ball cancelled
Organisers of the prestigious charitable fundraiser were forced to cancel this year’s event in light of the ongoing global coronavirus…
- | News, Diaspora
$US1 million awarded to clean polluted Kingston Harbour
The Benioff Ocean Initiative on May 7 awarded the funds to The Ocean Cleanup in a project that will run for several years and is part of a…
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89 children and teens have contracted COVID-19
Chief Medical Officer, Jacquiline Bisasor- McKenzie, made the disclosure while responding to questions on Wednesday (May 5), during a virtual…
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Police Inspector leads academic support initiative in West Kingston
Detective Inspector of Police Pilmar Powell, who has been assigned to the Kingston Western Police Division since 2018, tells JIS News that…
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Tax authority suspends two in-line services at corporate area offices
The suspension will be initially for one week and comes as TAJ moves to reduce the crowds at these two corporate area offices.
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Old Harbour man shot fatally by cops
The deceased has been identified as Tayvar ‘Hot Skull’ Fothergill, 31 of Old Harbour Glades.
According to the police,…
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OJay Koolers offers free delivery service amid COVID-19 crisis
Recent spike in COVID-19 cases in the parish has forced the government to quarantine the entire area, with general movement restricted to…
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Practice social distancing from COVID-19 news, counsellor warns
The dreaded disease has infected more than 2.5 million people and killed more than 180,000 worldwide, while scientists continue to work on…
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Two men charged in missing Jasmine Deen probe
They are 40-year-old Tamar Henry, otherwise called ‘Braff’ or ‘Lavish’ of Bull Bay, St. Andrew and 36-year-old Gregor…
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PAHO calls to accelerate and expand COVID-19 testing
“We need a clearer view of where the virus is circulating and how many people have been infected in order…
- | News, Health, International
Portland wholesale helping to relieve COVID-19 stress
Proprietor of the wholesale store Miguel Bishop and his staff also donated hand sanitizers and masks to the Hope Bay Police Station to help…
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Power company provides COVID-19 care packages to early childhood students in need
This week, the group, through its annual school feeding progamme, provided the usual monthly food packages as well as personal care products…
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Jamaican law firm supports police in COVID-19 fight
Donations were made to numerous police stations by Anne-Marie Bishop, principal director of Bishop Law & Associates.
The barrister…
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Holness’ push to expedite revised NIDS law causing ‘grave disquiet’
Almost one year ago to the day, on the 12th of April 2019, the Full Court of the Supreme Court of Jamaica struck down the National…
- | News, Commentary