DAILY DEVOTION: Worshipping God – Abraham Pt.1
To worship God is to simple acknowledge Him as Who He is. Simply put, to obey His demands on our lives, because He is God. Abraham was given…
- | Religion
DAILY DEVOTION: Waiting on God – Abraham
God had just changed Abram's name (which meant Exalted Father) to Abraham (which now means Father of Nations). He was now 99 years old,…
- | Religion
DAILY DEVOTION: Waiting on God – Abram
As a parent, I used to try my very best to deliver on every promise that I would make to my kids. I really tried. But I have seen human…
- | Religion
DAILY DEVOTION: Working for God – Noah Pt. 2
Amid the pain of knowing that all his neighbours and the people of his town, country and world were rejecting God and would therefore die,…
- | Religion
DAILY DEVOTION: Working for God – Noah Pt. 1
Well, in a day when people were inventing more ways to be wicked and God had had enough, a man named Noah was chosen for a most jaw-dropping…
- | Religion
DAILY DEVOTION: Walking with God – Enoch Pt.2
God knew all the fantastic sights and sounds. There was no way that Enoch could have experienced those wonders had he chosen to come and see…
- | Religion
DAILY DEVOTION: Walking with God – Enoch Pt. 1
He wouldn't be up late though, because he wanted to be off to bed early, to get up early tomorrow. They're going walking again!…
- | Religion
DAILY DEVOTION: Under Construction (The Fanfare)
These are the ones that have stood up under the Master's construction programme. They look good! Outstanding products highlight their…
- | Religion
DAILY DEVOTION: Under Construction (The Fine Tuning)
Have you ever felt that way, with you and God? Well, you should. He has never or will ever make one more like you. This will come out more,…
- | Religion
DAILY DEVOTION: Under Construction (The Finishing)
There is no effort spent in getting them to pass on their acquired expertise, so that ‘wheel’ has to be re-invented. What a shame…
- | Religion
DAILY DEVOTION: Under Construction (The Flaws)
It could be due to the flaws of the building materials or the flaws of the builder. It would be unreasonable to blame the building itself.…
- | Religion
DAILY DEVOTION: Under Construction (The Fortification)
Have you ever felt as if God has parked you at a station in life for too long? You are learning about the next level, but you are not…
- | Religion
DAILY DEVOTION: Under Construction (The Fashion)
People will pay to get a desired look. Looking good didn't originate with man. From the dawn of creation God looked on His work and…
- | Religion
DAILY DEVOTION: Under Construction (The Framing)
This framing is not done with heavy duty materials because whilst it shows the shape of the real thing, it's NOT the real thing. Jesus,…
- | Religion
DAILY DEVOTION: Under Construction (Foundation Work)
We spent much time and effort hacking away with digging tools. The head mason would come and measure as we went along - It had to be right.…
- | Religion
DAILY DEVOTION: Who's the Boss of Me? (The Opinions)
Sometimes as a person repeats some stories that has been passed down from generation to generation, you wonder how did this error start in…
- | Religion