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DAILY DEVOTION: Working for The King (co-workers)

I believe Mr A was quoting principles that were in the writings of Moses. God had always wanted His people to work together and in those…

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DAILY DEVOTION: Working for The King

You may think, ‘I am not a Pastor or a church worker, I am just a Christian, doing mundane work’. I don’t need to give any…

  • | Top News, Religion

DAILY DEVOTION: Fresh start - New Year's resolutions (NYR)

"If you don't make em, you can't break em," we say. However, I want to offer another saying "If you aim at nothing,…

  • | Religion

DAILY DEVOTION: Spending time with God (4)

This concept has been applied to other areas of life: a team, thirsty for a victory; a child, thirsty for love; a prisoner, thirsty for…

  • | Religion

DAILY DEVOTION: Spending time with God (3)

Its desire was to chase not to catch. This sometimes is a description of us in the act of worship - we're just dutifully chasing and even…

  • | Religion

DAILY DEVOTION: Spending time with God (2)

Whenever they talk to you they are into vague, unconnected generalizations (the plunging price of peas in Persia - who cares!) Am I guilty of…

  • | Religion

DAILY DEVOTION: Spending time with God

So how do I rightly relate to God? Well, a very important part of this is to not just read His words, the Bible, but to think long and hard…

  • | Religion

DAILY DEVOTION: The Holy Spirit in us to serve

God, the Holy Spirit, empowers us to serve others. Teachers need to learn yes, but their worth is maximized in their teaching others.…

  • | Religion

DAILY DEVOTION: The Holy Spirit in us to produce

Through the gifts that He graciously gives to the members of the church, we can do amazing things well beyond our personal abilities. We don…

  • | Religion

DAILY DEVOTION: He came for us

We don't take care of things down here. Down here, we decay, we die. His Son was not in a good place. The paradise He placed in Adam'…

  • | Religion

DAILY DEVOTION: A debt of gratitude

We should just say "Thank You Lord" and live in gratitude to Him. We must not believe that we need to get from under the burden of…

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DAILY DEVOTION: Creation speaks of Him

The Americans returned from space affirming that "God was everywhere up there." What do you see when you look up into the night sky…

  • | Religion

DAILY DEVOTION: Truth that you can trust

God has always told us the truth: about Himself, ourselves and our world. Truth can be cold and harsh though. So along with the truth from…

  • | Top News, Religion

Jamaican Muslims mourn and condemn recent terrorist attacks in France

Paty, a 47-year-old French teacher was beheaded by 18-year-old Islamist extremist Abdullakh Anzorov for showing cartoons of the Prophet…

  • | Top News, News, Religion

Rondell Positive recounts life-changing moment

According to Rondell, whose real name is Rondell Allen, he finished high school with only three subjects but his determined mother pushed him…

  • | Religion

Muslims invite public to celebrate Eid in Old Harbour

On 31st of July Muslims across the globe will be celebrating Eid, however, due to the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), foreigners will not be…

  • | Religion