DAILY DEVOTION: Wrestling with God | Jacob 10
Mrs. Byfield wasn't careful and she accidentally broke the glass. Jenny, who has always been chastised by her mom for not being careful,…
- | Religion
DAILY DEVOTION: Wrestling with God | Jacob 9
Have you ever watched a cartoon and seen how a greedy person is depicted by the $$ (sound "Chi-cheng) in their eyes? Have you ever been…
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DAILY DEVOTION: Wrestling with God | Jacob 8
Never try to work for God until you've first come to know God. This was the reason why Jacob was such a poor life-wrestler. God was only…
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DAILY DEVOTION: Wrestling with God | Jacob 7
Although our focus is on Jacob and his wrestlings through the various issues in his life, it was sad to see what was happening to Esau. When…
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DAILY DEVOTION: Wrestling with God | Jacob 6
Threat and wife were in the purpose of the run (sounds like Prov.18:22, doesn't it). Poor Jacob, he is messed up and doesn't even…
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DAILY DEVOTION: Wrestling with God | Jacob 5
If you thought that your high office was due to your hard work and self-attained worthiness, well think again. God might have promoted you…
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DAILY DEVOTION: Wrestling with God | Jacob 4
Have you ever heard this one?: If it feels like a duck, smells like a duck, brings food like a duck, it could be Jacob disguised as someone…
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DAILY DEVOTION: Wrestling with God | Jacob 3
Family secret, favouritism and compromise are all in this little pot. Are they in your family? Are you on the receiving end or the giving end…
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DAILY DEVOTION: Wrestling with God | Jacob 2
Have you ever found yourself struggling to get what is yours? Maybe it is the returned love from a relative, the respect from people who…
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DAILY DEVOTION: Well-digger for God | Isaac Pt.3
It is very important that our priorities are straight: God first and success after. There are some people who go after the success first and…
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DAILY DEVOTION: Well-digger for God | Isaac Pt.2
They called him ‘Cowboy’ and he hated it. It brought out the worst in him. Then his friend, from a school on the better side of…
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DAILY DEVOTION: Well-digger for God | Isaac Pt.1
There are many people who don't want to step out for God because they are afraid to let God down. Maybe they have tried and failed before…
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DAILY DEVOTION: Wife search with God |The unnamed servant Pt.3
The unnamed servant of Abraham shared that he swore to his wealthy master that he would do the task. However, he had a real question.…
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DAILY DEVOTION: Wife search with God |The unnamed servant Pt.2
First of all, he traveled first class, with 10 camels and all, to this place. Then, he opened his gift shop and in a flash, Rebekah was…
- | Religion
DAILY DEVOTION: Wife search with God |The unnamed servant Pt.1
Abraham's servant with his mouth wide opened, stunned to temporary silence at what he was seeing, might be a funny scene, but it…
- | Religion
DAILY DEVOTION: Worshipping God – Abraham Pt.2
God promised old Abraham a son and he fell on his face, I suppose, to worship God, but while down there, sure enough, he laughed (Gen.17:17…
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