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Disappointment turned to anger then back to disappointment - A view from a man in the street

  • Dec 21, 2023 01:13 PM | Disappointment turned to anger then back to disappointment - A view from a man in the street, Commentary

The lady officer walked up to my car and demanded my papers as she was going to give me a ticket for waiting at a "NO Waiting" area at the airport.

I was disappointed that she didn't just exercise her other powers of telling us to "hit the road" because we could not park there. I was not in the parking lot because, firstly, I thought my friend would be there waiting for me or be popping out through the doors at any second. Secondly, I didn't have the money for the parking lot. The irony is, I couldn't afford $300 so I ended up paying $6000. Thirdly, there is almost no place in or near the airport to stop and wait without getting harassed by the police. Fourthly, my phone was down (a whole different story), so I couldn't even call my friend to see where she was.

I became angry because I realized that our unjust government (yes you read it right) had to collect from all angles to meet their enormous salary package and maybe even their Christmas bonus. So anywhere and anyhow they can tax an already over-taxed people, they will. You see, all governments are convinced that the people have money and so they make these "ginormous" budgets and astronomical pay packages for themselves and then siphon the money from all us "rich" poor people. Ticketing of poor, unfortunate souls like me, (where a warning could have done a much better job in getting me to move and build a good relationship with that young officer), becomes the chosen route. Because as we say in JA: "money haffi callek".

I then returned to being disappointed because the young lady was just doing her job. She was sent to issue tickets to law breakers like myself. She is really a foot soldier on the frontline, while these greedy politicians and policy makers hide behind their tinted windows. She is being used like the tax collectors of Israel who taxed their own people FOR ROME. They (the tax collectors) are then hated by the people they live amongst because they do a dirty work for an invisible, imperial system. I hope that when my friend finally came and we were heading back into Kingston, if I saw that lady officer, now off duty, at the bus stop, I would stop and offer her a ride. If she came to where I work, needing my vital services, I hope I would give her the deluxe package at very reasonable rates. She was just a "lacky", a "gopher" - someone sent to fight a cause that will benefit others. I hope with the additional tickets she brings in, there is a sweeter bonus in her Christmas package, a commission, if you please. Yeah, like you, I strongly doubt it!

My closing words to my readers are, let's be careful and mindful over this season and beyond, that we don't, through our own short-sightedness do things to cause us to have to move our hard earned funds into the coffers of an already overstuffed government fund. Drivers, drive good and keep what you have, especially your lives and the lives of others on the road. Pray for our police officers; it can be a thankless job.

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