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Holiday safety tips everyone must follow

Holiday safety tips everyone must follow

Article By: Old Harbour News
  • Dec 09, 2020 06:04 PM | Holiday safety tips everyone must follow, Holiday safety tips everyone must follow, News

It’s that time of year again… Christmas is just around the corner. While the festive season is a time to celebrate and also ringing in the New Year many persons become victims to criminal elements.

In order to reduce your risk of being robbed, here are some safety tips being shared by the police and online security experts.

• Be aware of your surroundings whilst sitting in a parked vehicle and before getting out.

• Gather all you need before getting out of your vehicle.

• Vary routes and times to and from your regular destination.

• Keep vehicle doors securely locked and be aware of open windows. Carjacking often takes place when vehicles are stopped at intersections. Criminals approach at a 45-degree angle (in the blind spot), and either pull you out of the driver’s seat or jump in the passenger’s seat.

• Keep eyes and ears open and your hands free. Talking on a cell phone or listening to headphones makes you easy prey for a predator.

If you feel you are being followed:

• If on foot, go to busy place and try to draw attention to yourself
• Do not go home!

• Get description of car and licence plate numbers if possible.

• Put other vehicles between you and the one following you

• Take unplanned turns and go to the nearest Police Station to seek assistance.

If you are attacked:

• Run, Run, Run! If the predator has a gun but you are not under his control, take off! Experts say he will only hit you, a running target, 4 out of every 100 shots. And even then, it most likely will not be a vital organ.

• Do not let your attacker take you to an abandoned area. If he does, the likelihood that you will be seriously injured increases tenfold.

• Try anything and everything like jumping out at a traffic light, do something to cause an accident, or signal to other drivers.

• If you are thrown into the trunk of a car, kick out the back tail lights, stick your arm out the hole, and start waving wildly. The driver won't see you but everyone else will.

• Make eye contact. It may be your first instinct to lower your gaze but looking straight into the face of potential enemies is the better option. Eye contact may scare off attackers because they fear you will be able to identify them.

• Clogs, high heels, and tight skirts are hard to run and fight in, while scarves and long necklaces are easy to grab. Think through how you would fight in your dress-up clothes.

• Most importantly, use your sixth sense. Your intuition is powerful insight into situations and people. Learn to trust this power and use it to your full advantage.

If shopping online:
• Research retailers online to make sure they're legitimate
• Make sure the website is secure
• Know your rights and the company's returns policy
• Keep software and virus protection up-to-date and use strong passwords for online accounts.
• Don't use public Wi-Fi
• Pay using a credit card
• Be smart

Please be safe!

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