Man driving car of missing teacher fatally shot

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Old Harbour News
04/03/2021 - 17:45
The car belonging to missing Clarendon teacher Natalie Dawkins has been recovered during a major police operation in Bellfield, north west St Catherine this afternoon.
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A man was fatally shot by members of the security forces, while his crony escaped the joint police military operation, as investigators intensified its probe into the disappearance of the 44-year-old Dawkins.

The dead man has been identified as 29-year-old Jeffery Bedward.

Dawkins, it is believed, was kidnapped by criminals on March 30 about 11:30 pm from her home in Denbigh, May Pen. 

Investigators have managed to make some headway in solving the case when Dawkin’s blue Toyota Wish motor car was tracked to the deep rural community of Bellas Gate where two men were seen in the vehicle.

A shootout ensued, following which one of the men was fatally shot, his accomplice got away, and a firearm seized. 

Several family members, friends and well-wishers staged a march this morning in the Clarendon capital, calling for her safe return.

But while this afternoon’s development is welcome news for the police, plenty fear and anxiety lingers among colleagues and relatives of the Four Path Primary and Junior High School educator whose desperate search for continues.

A $1 million reward is being offered to anyone with information that will assist the police to find Dawkins.

Speaking to Old Harbour News, DSP Jermaine Anglin, crime officer for Clarendon, said while today’s discovery is an important piece of the puzzle “we are far away from a conclusion but this is a step in the right direction”.

“The main aim is to find her hopefully alive,” he added. “We are still searching.”

Editor's Note: This story has been updated.

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