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Pastors give fascinating views on ‘Apostle’ Peter Chambers’ utterances

  • Mar 29, 2021 05:01 PM | Pastors give fascinating views on ‘Apostle’ Peter Chambers’ utterances , Pastors give fascinating views on ‘Apostle’ Peter Chambers’ utterances , News

L-R: Pastor Oswin Thomas, Rev Robert Campbell and Pastor Gary Williams

Last week’s arrest of a St Ann pastor continues to cause debate on several fronts. Did the preacher directly or indirectly threatened to kill the prime minister? Did he truly received a divine instruction or revelation from God? Or was he just being another imposter seeking attention?

On the morning of March 24, 2021 at his Brown’s Town, St Ann home, Pastor Peter Chambers, a self-professed anointed Apostle of God was arrested by members of the Counter-Terrorism and Organized Crime Investigation (C-TOC), an arm of the police force.

Chambers’ arrest follows claims he made in a video posted on social media that God had given him a message that Prime Minister Andrew Holness, the PM’s first child and Members of Parliament will die in the wake of stronger curfew measures taken to control the spread of the coronavirus.

These restrictions, imposed by the Holness administration over the last 12 months, continue to have a negative impact on society, including places of worship, restaurants, beaches, funerals, entertainment and sporting events and other gatherings.

Chambers’ proclaimed ‘revelation’ from God alleges that the restrictions imposed by the state was an attack on the church and therefore the Lord’s wrath will lead to the death of the Prime Minister and those closest to him.

But in an interview with Old Harbour News, three members of the clergy shared their opinions on the issue.

“I submit that I am embarrassed, to say the least, by the utterance of the pastor suggesting violence against the prime minister, and I strongly condemn any such utterances,” said Rev. Robert Campbell, head of the Old Harbour Baptist Church.

“I further submit that the church must be compliant as long as it is not compromising what it is called to stand up for. Of course we are to be subjected to the 'Ruling Authority' as long as same is operating as a 'Minister of God' for the good of the people and the glory of God, as is communicated by the regularly quoted Roman and Peter scripture passages,” added Rev Campbell, who is a member of the Jamaica Baptist Union. “One must remember that there are instances of civil disobedience in scripture when the 'Ruling Authority' plans are like those of Pharaoh and the Sanhedrin, going against the will of God. In such cases the Church must obey God rather than human.”

Having watched the full clip, Pastor Oswin Thomas of the One Way Deliverance Ministry, said Pastor Chambers appeared to be more “angry with the government rather than God being angry with the government”.

Based on his observation, Pastor Thomas, who is a native of Spring Village, said: “There are claims made that are inaccurate and others without evidence. Example: stopping the people of God from worship…

“Worship of God was not stopped but an alternative means to facilitate worship was proposed. Twelve persons can congregate in order to lead the people of God in worship as well as presentation of the word of God with granted approval.

“We are instruments used by the Lord to convey his word to the people and whilst doing so self must not reign.”

After spending more than 48 hours in police detention, Chambers, who is affiliated to the Miracle Healing Deliverance Ministry, was released. In a Jamaica Gleaner video following his release, Chambers said he is yet to be charged while contending that his constitutional rights were breached.

The Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF), having made reported claims that Chambers was arrested for making public mischief as well as unable to account for large sums of money amounting to less than $1 million, is yet to issue a statement on the well-publicised matter.

In the Gleaner’s video, several persons could be seen welcoming the popular pastor, who pointed that his ‘message from God’ was misinterpreted and also not helped by edited versions of the original footage circulating on social media.

Utterances of Chambers was unfortunate but his arrest was unwarranted, says Pastor Gary Williams, who leads the Cedar Grove Independent Baptist Church in Portmore.

“I don’t think they should have locked him up. I believe freedom of speech must be allowed. His claim is that he’s getting a message from God. I think it is unfortunate that he’s making such claims. But he does have a right to declare what he feels he’s getting from God,” said Williams, who grew up in Nightingale Grove.

“It is violation of his rights to lock him up even if he even says that the prime minister and children will die for being disobedient to the will of God.

“He’s not saying I am going to do it. He’s saying God is going to judge you and so my take is that he was speaking about the judgment that was going to come from God.”

Double standard

As part of the revised measures imposed, churches must first seek approval from the police station within its jurisdiction and provide the names of each person who will be in assembly to conduct online service. This updated rule Rev Campbell believes is “unnecessary” as the government has been inconsistent in adhering to established Covid-19 protocols such as social distancing and mask wearing even in state-run facilities. This, he said, he witnessed first-hand and such double standard must end.

“On one hand the church was praised by the prime minister, in one instance, and at the same instance the church was 'punished' with restriction in number after 'doing so well',” Rev Campbell said.

While the tone of Chambers’ message left many viewing him as a ‘false prophet’, Rev Campbell noted that such call for atonement by believers in Christ isn’t new.

Wrath of God

“A call to repentance to avoid the impending wrath of God for acts of sin else destruction, is not an uncommon declaration from the mouths of the people of God,” he said.
“The prime minister and all will be held accountable unto God for their sins,” Pastor Thomas added. “As servants of God, we should not bring reproach upon the name of the Lord by showing signs of disrespect for authority.”

And pointing to scriptures Pastor Williams said though “Roman’s Chapter 13 speaks to us obeying the laws of the land.

“Chambers has a right not to obey if the dictates of the government is not in line with God.”

The issue of whether the people should or should not conform to the dictates of the state given the complexities that has emerged out of global health crisis that has so far infected more than 35,000 people on the island, it would seem there will be no end such subjective debate.

In the Book of Revelation, Rev Campbell said in reference, the people of God chose to be martyrs instead of taking the ‘Mark of the Beast’ prescribed by the government. But Jamaica isn’t at that crossroad in his opinion.

“I do not think we have reached the stage of resistance and rejection as it relates to our present reality, as the intention of the prime minister is to save lives,” he told Old Harbour News. “The question still remains, however, as to whether or not the restrictions on the church, for example, are too harsh, even as many still gather in large numbers elsewhere, with blatant disregard for protocols in some cases, including government offices.”

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