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Power company provides COVID-19 care packages to early childhood students in need

  • Apr 17, 2020 05:47 PM | News

JEP CSR Committee Member/WKPP Administrative Assistant, Cherries Wiles, presents food/personal care packages to Principal of Charles Chin Loy Basic School, Veronica Sewell-Morgan, and Cook, Cynthia Lindsey.

As the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to spread islandwide, the JEP (Jamaica Energy Partners) Group remains committed to assisting those most affected.

This week, the group, through its annual school feeding progamme, provided the usual monthly food packages as well as personal care products to early childhood students of Denham Town and Port Royal infant schools; Charles Chin Loy, Carnival, Glenford Phipps, Prophecy, Blackwood Gardens, Adastra, Solomon Levy and Bower Bank basic schools.

“The packages include tinned foods, meats, flour, cornmeal, sugar, a variety of cereals, cow’s milk and milk powder as well as hygiene and sanitizing commodities such as bar soaps, tissue and rubbing alcohol,” the company stated.

The schools’ educators volunteered to distribute the items to parents for the students to benefit while at home.

The private energy producing company added: “The students will continue to receive these items until school re-opens, and the nation returns to normalcy.

“The group believes that now, as Jamaica’s COVID-19 cases continue to spiral, we remain steadfast in supporting parents, teachers, and students during these difficult times and encourage them to take advantage of the various learning platforms. The JEP Group understands that our new reality has engendered a strain on parents; therefore, aims to provide a cushion as they grapple with the challenges of the disease.”

As part of the group’s community engagement response to the pandemic, it said it will continue to unite with its community stakeholders whenever possible, to bring joy, relief and resources where they’re needed the most.

The JEP commended all stakeholders for their efforts thus far amid the COVID-19 surge and encourages Jamaicans to assist in any way they can to make a difference.

The JEP Group is the parent company of the Jamaica Energy Partners, West Kingston Power Partners and Jamaica Private Power Company.

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