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Selling off Jamaica’s sovereignty? | The new ACP-EU Partnership Agreement

  • Jun 28, 2022 01:05 PM | Selling off Jamaica’s sovereignty? | The new ACP-EU Partnership Agreement, Commentary

The chief negotiators, International Partnerships Commissioner Jutta Urpilainen (right) and Togo's Foreign Minister Robert Dussey, marked the formal conclusion of the negotiations of the Post-Cotonou Agreement, setting the political, economic and sectorial cooperation framework for the next 20 years at a ceremony in Brussels, Belgium on April 16, 2021.

What is it?The new ACP-EU (A-African C-Caribbean P-Pacific EU-European Union) Partnership Agreement is a 20-year, binding treaty between the European Union and the 79 ACP countries (48 African, 16 Caribbean, and 15 Pacific countries). The Agreement builds on previous treaties negotiated between these regions since the 1970s (the previous treaties were the Lomé and Cotonou Agreements).

Historically, the Agreements focused on trade and economic development relations. This new Agreement, however, is unprecedented in its extensive coverage from trade and development, to public administration, statistical systems, data protection, non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, war crimes, terrorism and violent extremism, illicit trade in drugs, cyber security and cybercrime, law enforcement, education, health, food security, water, social inclusiveness, youth, culture, investment and financial systems, environmental protection, climate change, marine resources, tax, human rights, democracy, gender equality, peace and security, migration, remittances, human trafficking, among other subject-areas.

Why is it a problem?
There may be useful benefits to the ACP under this new Partnership Agreement, however, its extensive reach appears to be a power grab by the EU over Africa, the Caribbean and Pacific nations.

The Agreement references “human rights” over 100 times in various clauses which are expected to be implemented, but without defining what constitutes ‘human rights’.

The EU is well-known for expanding its concept of human rights that has the effect of undermining the fundamental freedoms of speech, conscience, religion, and parental rights.

Furthermore, the Agreement allows for trade sanctions to exercised, without consultation, if a party deems that its ‘human rights’, though undefined have been breached.

Is it normal for anyone, let alone a nation, to enter in a binding contract with a more powerful party when the meaning of key terms attached to sanctions, are undefined?

In the 60th year of our independence, why would the Jamaican government cede to the EU, an authority and influence that is reminiscent of the controls previously held by the Colonial Office in London.

What can the conscientious citizen do?
• Write or call Senator Kamina Johnson Smith, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade and urge her to not sign the ACP-EU Partnership Agreement in its current state, or at a minimum, make it clear that that Jamaica will not be bound by clauses that contradict national laws and values, or strip us of sovereignty and fundamental freedoms currently enjoyed by Jamaican citizens
• Tell your friends, neighbors and fellow citizens to get informed and take action.
• Inform yourself further,
• Sign the petition,

The Agreement was supposed to have been concluded in 2020 but there have been challenges to the commitments under the Agreement, raised by concerned citizens in various African and European countries.

The Caribbean must also speak up!

Editor's Note: The Jamaica Coalition for a Healthy Society (JCHS) at the core is a group of Christian persons who envision a Jamaican society in which Judeo-Christian values nourish and enrich the social, spiritual, physical, emotional and mental health of the society. Send feedback to .

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