- Jul 06, 2018 09:18 PM | Commentary

Principal, Mr. Calvin Harris, vice principals, guidance counsellors, teachers, members of the administrative and ancillary staff, students and well-wishers; A pleasant morning to you all.
Well I must say Marlie Mount has evolved from the good old days when there was just the honour roll and a certificate at the end of the year. Now there is the extravagant “prize-giving ceremony”. Now some of you may be asking yourselves, “what would a 16 year-old boy know about the good old days?”
I am here this morning to celebrate with you and to congratulate you on your academic excellence. But I want you to know that it does not stop here. I believe that all of you here can make it through five years of high school because guess what?: A couple years ago, I was a student here just like you. I want to charge you children, to remain focused on your goal.
A goal is defined as an aim or a desired result and I am sure every student in here has a goal. By show of hands, who has said to themselves that they want to come first in their class this year? Or that they want to get plenty ‘stickies’ in their books?