Thetford family lambasts Old Harbour police following raid

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Old Harbour News
05/12/2020 - 15:15
The family of Adrian March is lambasting the Old Harbour police after he was taken into custody last Friday.
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Twenty-seven year-old March alias ‘John’, Lamar Newell, 27, and Matthew Simpson, 18, were all taken into police custody following an early morning raid on their homes in Thetford, Church Pen.

Formal charges are yet to be laid against the trio who has been fingered in an alleged shooting recently in the community, a claim the family said is false.

Ronaldo Boyne, 21 years-old and younger brother of Adrian, is claiming that his older sibling is innocent of any wrongdoing and is being setup. Newell and Simpson, it is said, are brothers.

Speaking to Old Harbour News on the weekend Boyne said “about 6:30 am I was sleeping when suddenly police enter my house, woke me up and had me at gun point… at the time they start searching, they ransack my house, run out me little brother and sister and mom outside… They had me and my elder brother inside; then suddenly handcuffed us…

“They started questioning us. I was question and released. Now they have me brother saying the get call saying that him shoot after people and for burning down house… They yet to charge him but I would like the public to know this is not right it's just people bad mind and want to sink him.”

Boyne, while indicating that Newell and Simpson are neighbouring friends of the family, added: “The reason they say they came is because they got a report that my brother, which is Adrian, is suspected of shooting and burning down a house, which they had gotten a report about. But I don't understand how is it possible to charge someone based on a report they have no evidence or witness for.”

Boyne said the family is even more disgruntled by the actions of the police who they say have not provided them with any information on the whereabouts of March.

However, when Old Harbour News contacted the police we were informed that March and his co-accused were being held in lockup at the Lionel Town Police Station in Clarendon on suspicion of “shooting” and is listed to face an ID parade before the week ends.

The police were not prepared to divulge further information, as the investigation is said to be at a critical stage. But according to Boyne, who said they have been living in the community for just over two decades, they are unaware of any recent shooting occurring in the area.

“No one knows about the shooting,” he said. “Mi mom went there and asked the police when and where did the shooting take place they said they don’t know either.”

March is a very good mason and is in high demand due to the quality of his work, Boyne argued, while rejecting claims that his brother is “a don”.

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