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DAILY DEVOTION: Claiming abundance (The Purpose)

  • Feb 14, 2021 05:00 AM | Religion

God never wastes time or resources. Everything He does is connected to a higher purpose. Atop all is His glory and our eternal blessing.

As we claim our abundance here, just please remember that it is meant to be a part of a link to the greatest purpose of all - to glorify God. A farmer is honoured when his produce looks good. Largest pumpkin, sweetest apples and biggest bull are not about themselves. It's the one who laboured to bring them to that stage when others fell by the wayside - he gets the Blue Ribbon. When we ask for what is ours, ask big and claim it so that an on-looking universe can be awed by the great work of our Heavenly Farmer. To Him be the glory and to us the blessing. Never try to grab both. That was not the purpose of it being given. You will go downhill very fast. Those who patiently trust God to provide, take what is theirs, do the required pressing and give God the glory will always be living in their ABUNDANCE.

Isaiah 42:8:  I am the LORD: that is My name: and My glory will I not give to another, neither My praise to graven images.

Pastor Gary Williams is head of the Cedar Grove Baptist (Independent) Church, located at Cedar Grove Estate, Portmore, St Catherine. Send feedback to or

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