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DAILY DEVOTION: Creation speaks of Him

DAILY DEVOTION: Creation speaks of Him

Article By: Pastor Williams
  • Dec 23, 2020 09:00 AM | Religion

The Russians went into outer space and came back mocking, "we didn't see any God up there”.

The Americans returned from space affirming that "God was everywhere up there." What do you see when you look up into the night sky? Do you only see Orion, Dippers, Venus or do you realize that the greatest Designer has again crafted another masterpiece? For centuries we have been wowed by the night skies. But let's not sell ourselves short by being stuck on the canvas. Let's check out the Artist. His artwork is screaming at us to look past yesterday's problems, today's burdens or tomorrow's worry, even past the stars themselves unto a personal God Who desires an ongoing relationship with us. Let's not just accept Him and then park Him until things get really, really bad. Interact with Him moment by moment. Since He can keep stars in their places, He can surely handle our situations. Inhale the wonder of His stars, His mountains, His oceans, His trees, His bees, His wind-blown grass blade. They are all wonderful because their Maker is wonderful. They testify of Him. No, it wasn't a big bang that did this, it was a big God. An awe-inspiring universe inspires us to look at an awesome God!
Psalm 19:1 (TAB): The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows and proclaims His handiwork.

Have a ‘wonder-filled’ Wednesday!

Pastor Gary Williams is head of the Cedar Grove Baptist (Independent) Church, located at Cedar Grove Estate, Portmore, St Catherine. Send feedback to or

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