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DAILY DEVOTION: A debt of gratitude

DAILY DEVOTION: A debt of gratitude

Article By: Pastor Williams
  • Dec 24, 2020 10:23 AM | Religion

For God's many and gracious gifts to us, we should not be busy trying to "even the score”.

We should just say "Thank You Lord" and live in gratitude to Him. We must not believe that we need to get from under the burden of having been rescued, so now we will pay our dues to God so that our pride and dignity can be restored. God doesn't want that. He didn't take us from Satan's cage to put us into a cage of His own. He saved us to set us free. Our service to Him must be out of gratitude never out of bondage. He wants service: because we want to - that's grace; not because we have to - that's law. Tell Him “thank you” and live in the liberty He secured for us. That's what the Father wants from us. Even when hard times come, and they will, our knowing that God is using even these times to make us better will cause to say "Thank You Lord”. As love-servants of our Father, we get directions from Him to the area(s) in which we can serve Him best. When He tells us where, we thankfully serve Him. Thankfully, we work for His glory, not to pay off a debt. As it relates to the debt He paid for us, the life we live must say "Thank You Lord!"

2 Cor. 9:15 (TAB): Now thanks be to God for His Gift, [precious] beyond telling [His indescribable, inexpressible, free Gift].

Have a ‘Thanks-filled’ Thursday!

Pastor Gary Williams is head of the Cedar Grove Baptist (Independent) Church, located at Cedar Grove Estate, Portmore, St Catherine. Send feedback to or

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