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DAILY DEVOTION: Under Construction (The Fashion)

  • Mar 03, 2021 05:00 AM | Religion

The fashion industry is a multi-billion dollar one because at the end of the day (and at the start) people want to look good, different or similar etc.

People will pay to get a desired look. Looking good didn't originate with man. From the dawn of creation God looked on His work and declared it good, even very good. We would very quickly contrast what God saw versus what people are searching for. God sees from the inside out while man just look on the outside. Very importantly though is that, that which God seeks, man cannot produce in and of ourselves. So in grace, God comes to us, time after time, and does His wonders in us. The saying is true: "God formed us, sin deformed us, society reforms us but God transforms us." Transformation is a work from the inside out. God set for us a Model in His Son, Jesus. Then He is shaping us in His blessed fashion. That's why God uses intangibles like "love" or "faith" or "suffering" etc. to accomplish His purpose for us. What purpose, you might ask? Look at the Model! When we are living and loving like Jesus on a given day, we are seeing God's fashioning being done. Let's submit to the work that He is doing. Keep our eyes on the end product, people have a way of resembling that which we focus on. Look unto Jesus and become like Him.

Rom. 8:29: For whom He did foreknow, He also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of His Son...

Pastor Gary Williams is head of the Cedar Grove Baptist (Independent) Church, located at Cedar Grove Estate, Portmore, St Catherine, and also a certified counsellor. Send feedback to or

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