It is one PNP that will rise united
Article By: Dr Keste Miller
- Sep 11, 2019 10:06 PM | Commentary

People's National Party (PNP) president and opposition leader Dr Peter Phillips meets his defeated challenger Peter Bunting following a bruising internal presidential election on September 7, 2019. (Photo: Contributed)
Congratulations are in order for Comrade Peter Bunting and the Rise United Team for an excellent showing in the outcome and for assisting to ignite the party into action and for the courage you have shown to have mounted this challenge.
This shows that the PNP is alive and I do believe that history will be kind to you and your team as the PNP moves to gain victory in the next parliamentary elections.
In this regard, a lot will depend on how you play your hand henceforth. Further, I believe that all is not loss and you could rise further over time by showing your true grit as a comrade dedicated to the Jamaican people and the PNP.
Here, I say you ought to stay the course and encourage those who supported you to think and act positively and wisely, because it is one PNP that will rise united. I fervently believe that it is not the end of the road for you, it may be just the beginning of a new street or horizon.
Remember, in your own words while congratulating Cde. Peter Phillips you said: “We have nothing to be ashamed of. It is clear that our message resonated with roughly 50 percent of the party.” You are quite correct and this cannot go un- noticed by Cde. Peter Phillips and the One PNP Team.
Your team's campaign manager Cde. Dr. Dayton Campbell said in concession “… we accept the will and wishes of the delegates….” This I believe is very significant and where taken seriously can open the door for reconciliation, atonement and the healing process for one PNP to rise powerful and united.
Victory at the polls for the PNP will depend on its leaders and the leadership of the party at all levels. Firstly, it must now rise above selfish, petty and personal issues and put the party’s interest and that of the Jamaican people first. The focus must now be on getting rid of this uncaring government.
The proposed endowment fund for party workers must now be implemented and indeed funded as this could be a game changer no matter who claims paternity.
Rise United has earned its place at the centre of the party and must be at the table of decisions and implementation of programmes to enhance the party’s chance at the next general elections.
Then we will be on the path of victory when all the pieces are given a chance to come together and gel smoothly.
The People’s National Party is the winner at the end of proceedings Saturday. Congratulations to Comrade Leader Dr. Peter David Phillips. You said and has sent all the right signals in your magnanimous acceptance speech.
The contest is over and there is no room for bad blood, recrimination nor infighting hereafter. So I hope that by general conference later this month, only a show of unity will emerge, after this bruising leadership campaign.
Then and only then will the people of Jamaica take us seriously and trust us with the machinery of state in the next general elections.
Dr Keste Miller is an attorney-at-law and member of the People’s National Party. Dr Miller is also a native of Old Harbour Bay. Send feedback to