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My womb does not make me weak

My womb does not make me weak

Article By: Providence
  • Apr 06, 2019 06:23 PM | Commentary

In the beginning when I was inside man, fundamentally, I was called ‘head’ and instantly, that made me strong and wise. It gave me authority and limitless power to rule over everything living.

I can rule in righteousness or wickedness; the choice is mine. But I chose the latter. I can rape, abuse and deceive my fellow human being and that’s OK because I am man.

But when you remove me from man I become woman (man with womb). The paradigm has changed. I now become weak and am suffering from intellectual deficiency. I’m now too emotional and I can’t make any conscious decisions, so they say.

My duties now is to work 16 hours a day, having children and be silent; and yes, I have to serve you, my master. The quality of my life depends on how much I remain young and beautiful, not getting fat now! When I do that, you will pity me with a little money to buy my ‘nix nax’ and two frocks but anything outside of that, I’m a problem.

Now, how did we women come to this when we are the ones who bring forth life? You men condemn us and are trying to make us unequal but from our wombs you were born. Let it be known that the womb after conception nurtured you for nine months. My blood cushioned and protected you. I never thought of aborting you.

You sucked every substance from me. You made me sick. My teeth have become rotten. My body has become enormous. I had to eat dirt, sour oranges, lime and sometimes soap, and after nine months, I went into labour for hours. I cried in agony and pain because your head and shoulders were ripping my womanhood apart and exhausted me to death.

Then you swam out into this world in my blood and the nurse cut your umbilical cord and they called you ‘man’. Then from birth to university, it is me you see. I cooked and washed for you. I provided for your every need, at times doing night shift at New Kingston and now when you come of age and take your rulership of manhood, you now tell us women that we are weak.

Where did this come from? The churches, synagogue and mass media will tell you it’s the teaching of the Bible. So what are you saying? Because my womb causes my monthly flow that makes me weak, unclean and stupid? Certain times of the month, I can’t go into your place of worship, I can’t touch anything holy like my Bible and I can’t pray to my Creator because that time, I am too dirty for him to answer me.

It goes further. My husband who is supposed to love me and care for me can’t come near my dwelling place much less to touch me (and I’m not talking sexually). So no matter how sick I am, he must not come near or touch me. This thing is so ridiculous that even the plate I ate from, he must not touch or he will become unclean. So then, if both of us should get stranded on a deserted island, mi dead deh!

But the paradigm shifts when he is sick. It doesn’t matter what contagious disease he has, I have to take care of him. If mi laugh, mi teeth drop out!

I wonder if these people really comprehend what they are really doing, because most of their members have to travel on public transportation and they have to mingle with menstrous women, those with HIV and AIDS and all kinds of disease you can think of. And they go into your consecrated place of worship. I don’t understand that.

Now, forget all that negativity, let us see how important the womb is. We know that no family can start without a womb. The plants and animals have proven that. But the heavenly family doesn’t reflect the earthly one for the heavenly family consists of three super beings and billions of male angels. What are they doing up there?  Can you imagine? Father, Son, Holy Ghost, angels and man come together in one place – Heaven. And we women as the only feminine beings there, what role will we play there? Remember we can’t reproduce up there. Is it to wash your feet and serve you? I need to know.

Sorry to say the two formulas are not working for man is copying what the heavenly family is doing. All male dominance is the order of the day. We see the men bonding in the club, the different societies, churches and school. And if night should turn to day, many wives would have heart attack because most of our men have double standards.

It’s a great mystery to me that your father didn’t teach you how to treat us (I know he did) but you just ignore them and take great pleasure in oppressing us. You treat us women more like a servant than a help meet.

When someone acknowledge that you helped them, that’s the greatest honour you can give someone because you are saying to the person, “I’m not strong enough. I need your help.” But you show no gratitude; you behave as if everything is all about you.

But as one would say, “facts can be debated but truth can’t be” so let us look at truth. For 6,000 years, you’re in charge of the world and take a look at it. Is it something you can be proud of? The wickedness that is wide spread in society; the proof is rape, incest, and carnal abuse of women and children, corruption, murder, covetousness and wickedness have taken over. And our leaders are clueless to stem this wickedness.

You cannot blame us women because we were never in charge and even though we are holding the shitty end of the stick we still find time to laugh at you because we realize you are confused and don’t know what to do.

You say my womb makes me unclean, unequal and it makes me subject to you, but I’m going to show you the true power of my womb.

My womb has you weak. You will do anything for me: steal, murder, sell all your possessions, walk off your shoes heels over hills and valleys for me and if I’m not in your bed for one night, you start to fret. So you see, money and wealth can’t take you to ecstasy. When you want that, you have to come to me.

The way my womb possesses you, if I try to leave you, you will physically and mentally abuse me and the next thing you do is commit murder and/or suicide.

My womb doesn’t make me an under achiever. My womb has nothing to do with my brain but my brain has everything to do with my womb. It will tell it what to do and when to do. So if my womb is sick, my brain still knows that one plus one equals two.

The conclusion of the matter is that I’m a man with womb so I have all the abilities as you: two hands, two feet and a brain to think but my womb gives me added value. My womb doesn’t make me weak; instead, it makes me strong. For I have carried extraweight for nine months and still have to work twice as hard. I have to work my day job and when I reach home I have to do my house chores and when night comes, you still have me working in the bed. Without a degree, my womb makes me an ambassador of greatness. I’m a mother, nurturer, teacher, mentor and leader of that life growing inside my womb. That precious incubator that brings forth life. You can never condemn me when it continues to bring forth life to you mankind. So don’t belittle, abuse or draw lines of discrimination against us. Love and respect us.

This article is for all of us, great women. No matter what position you are in, we have a responsibility to balance the affairs of the family, community and more importantly- the world.

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