Old Harbour set sight on clearing St Mary hurdle in D-Cup
Article By: Old Harbour News
Old Harbour High's last second appearance was in the 2014 Flow Cup
The victory achieved on the school’s ground was significant for more than one reason, as the senior team were advancing to the second round of the competition for the first time in four years. It was also the first time in many moons that the team reached this stage unbeaten, with yesterday’s victory seeing them ending the first round with four wins and four drawn results.
But come this Wednesday a bigger challenge – at least on paper – awaits them, when they travel to #10 ranked St Mary High, a team that has notched up seven wins from nine matches, while losing just once to top Zone J.
Under the new ranking system the boys from south west St Catherine are ranked 23rd of the 32 teams that advanced to the second round of the premier rural area schoolboy football competition – due to a dramatic decline since they played in the then FLOW Super Cup in 2014.
They have cleared one hurdle so far and now they’ve set sight on their next challenge, head coach Uriel ‘Buck’ Meghie told Old Harbour News.
Mehgie is very proud of his young charges, seven of whom are below the age of sixteen, including the centre-back pairing of 15 year olds Jaydon Grinnan and Brian Cole, who also represents the school in cricket.
“We set ourselves some goals and tell ourselves that we have to qualify from in the first round. After the first round we take it from there and see how far we can go,” said Meghie.