Mar 22, 2021 09:41 PM | Securing your business | Security experts share their views on a rising trend in Old Harbour , Securing your business | Security experts share their views on a rising trend in Old Harbour , News, Business
Having high quality camera system could be the difference between a robber going to jail or walking away scot free. (Photo Credits: Instagram/suptronic_security)
There were muted celebrations as the country realized a marginal decrease in murders last year, largely overshadowed by the coronavirus pandemic.
Homicides may have gone down, albeit slightly, but other areas of serious crimes on the island went up.
For example the numbers for break-ins escalated as criminals were hell-bent finding other ways to fund their illicit lifestyle. Many businesses suffered at the hands of these worthless scums, as they bore huge holes in half-empty pockets of business owners as the pandemic brought the global economy to a screeching halt. The setback caused by these criminals cost businesses millions of dollars in some cases and to add the impacts of Covid-19 on commerce, many are still trying to find their feet after taking such a massive hit. Sadly, quite a number of stores in the Old Harbour area fall victim to this unenviable statistic.
Official 2020 data from Jamaica Constabulary Force were not available at the time of publishing this article.
Upon closer examination into these break-ins, all businesses operating in the Old Harbour space that were burglarized last year had one thing in common, however: An ineffective security system.
Recently I had a chat with two security experts in the field to find out the best security strategy that businesses – whether large or small – should implement at the very least to deter criminals from targeting their establishment.
Damion Manderson is one of the bright young prospects in the police force. He is a member of the National Intelligence Bureau (NIB) – the Jamaican equivalent to the CIA in the US. By age 36 he was already at the rank of deputy superintendent (DSP) and currently is the commander in charge of Old Harbour, a sub-division of St Catherine South Police Division.
Manderson’s experience covers all facets of security – his knowledge commands your immediate attention on this subject. He tells me that there are three security levels that every business operator must take into account once they decide to start a business.
Another expert is Ricardo Williams, who is founder and head of Suptronic Security Company, a private firm that offers best practices and brands in intelligent security solutions for commercial enterprises and residential customers. With 20 years of experience under his belt, Williams said entrepreneurs repeat a cardinal sin by not giving “any real focus in actual security”.
In separate interviews both gentlemen delved into the nuances of security matters, however, a cultural shift in mindset is where the real problem exists.
The right security system
In a market that is becoming more and more truncated and diverse, finding the right security solution isn’t that easy anymore. And while cost varies based on quality of equipment and scope of work, there are other factors such as the expertise of the contractor that is invaluable to the survival of a business.
“If you are going to put in some cameras for the sake of just putting up some cameras, but you are not getting the clarity in image, especially for license plates, then it doesn’t make any sense. If it’s going to cover the cashier and you can’t see the type of currency, and cover the entire cashier area properly, then it doesn’t make any sense either because when it move from that level to the court that’s where the difference comes in, in terms of what you think you have and what is really required,” Williams told Old Harbour News.
Many owners learnt this the hard way and had to watch the culprit walk away scot free from court, as the evidence was inconclusive.
Engaging an expert with high value security skillsets is paramount Williams added, as such a professional will first undertake an extensive analysis of your business operations, identify strengths and weaknesses in the event of an attack and implement strategies to negate such threats.
Manderson went further, pointing to a multi-functional system that all forward-thinking owners must “invest in” as a high priority for the sustainability of their business.
While no security system will ever be 100% foolproof, the Old Habour police chief said it’s very important to have a “multi-tiered concept in terms of security”.
“It can’t be just bolts and shutter and that’s it. No. This multi-tiered security mechanism must be mechanical, electronic, and human. And once you use those tiers then it increases the fortification of your place,” he said, while adding “and there are some things that must be overt and there are some things that must be covert”.
Such a strategy buys the owner and security respond team time. Criminals hate this. In fact the experts will tell you that it takes criminals an average of three minutes to execute a crime, hence any defence mechanism that will take a lengthy period to breach is not an option for them.
Making cameras visible is one overt ploy that sometimes acts as a deterrent, both gentlemen posited, but sometimes businesses, trying to cut cost, pay the ultimate price not maintaining them to make sure they are working properly.
One Old Harbour proprietor, whose business recorded over $500,000 in losses at the hands of criminals last year, has been forced to invest half-a-million dollars in security with a reputable private security firm. This newly installed system, the business owner tells Old Harbour News, included a cloud management system and a back-up power bank. It is now costing them, the owner revealed, $10,000 monthly to have such a security system in place.
Speaking on condition that their identity remains private, the manager said it was financially prudent to make such an investment than run the risk of one day losing millions of dollars.
It’s a point that Manderson spent a lot of time driving home.
“Most business persons don’t think about security beyond bolts and barriers. But as I have always said, it is better to spend $100,000, $150,000 to install a proper security system with motion sensors and detectors, panic buttons, or whatever… it is an investment you are making for medium to long term.
“You might be in business for 20 years and nobody never rob you but it’s not a signal that you don’t need it (security),” argued the senior cop.
JamaicaEye – a national surveillance system that monitors public spaces – is expected to reduce the threat of criminals in this regard, but Williams warned against its dependency.
“Part of your security concern is not just outside,” he said. “The most important part is the inside. Your downfall really comes from inside. Whosoever is going to go into your building have to get information from inside. There is always somebody on the inside, who they’re working with, who either deliberately divulge information or divulge information not knowing that’s the person’s intention.”
Williams, who has built up years of experience in the private sector, working in the gaming and hardware industries, said roughly $150,000 can get you an effective entry level security system. This, he said, is inclusive of equipment purchase and installation before lamenting the misguided perspective of business and home owners.
“We need to move away from the ideology that criminals are dunce,” he stressed. “It is more organized crimes… and they are college students and there are people with money who are funding these operations.”
“Definitely, under $150,000 can get you a top notch security system,” Manderson concurred. “But it depends on the type of business.”
The police officer said it’s disheartening to see the high cost in service being offered by a lot of local security firms. But business owners, he cautioned, must take the time out to shop around, as there are emerging companies offering even better service at significantly lower rates.
“I encourage remote surveillance and cloud storage… where you can use motion sensors and night visions. We can use night vision drones… and that doesn’t cost a lot. I have bought drones for less than US$500 and install a camera to it and they work very fine,” said Manderson.
The country has been waging an unending war on major crimes, murders being our Achilles heel. After 52 days there has been a 28 percent decrease in break-ins, the constabulary has reported. It’s still early days and what business operators need to do now is do all they can to not make their business become a target for criminals, the experts said. And that starts with seeing the security of your business as a necessary investment first and foremost.
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