“I’m starting with the man in the mirror, I’m asking him to change his ways…”, is, I believe among the greatest lines Michael Jackson has left for us to ponder on. We oft complain about and criticize the tiny flaws and often mistakes of others but fail to see our own deeds and ills.
No one is perfect. No one has it figured all out completely. Every day comes with new challenges to face and overcome, every sunrise of a new normal to adjust to.
If we develop a mindset of always checking ourselves first, we will certainly be on the path to being less harsh towards others as we will see the common thread that binds. We are all humans.
Humans trying to understand purpose, trying to meet needs, trying to enjoy the experience of existence, trying to make the world a better place. The truth is, sadly, we sometimes quickly judge others by the rules and standards we have for ourselves, like a fish judging a bird by its ability to swim or an elephant on his climbing skills. We are all unique in our perspective and history and if we use love as our North star, love for self, true love for self it will allow us to see we are all one.
The world is a beautiful place waiting to be explored and appreciated by all and if we begin with an intention “to heal the world, to make it a better place” we won’t be so hesitant about introspection as we will know why starting with self is best. That “he that is without sin” attitude.
You are stronger than you know. Far greater than you could possibly imagine are the possibilities and potentials that lies dormant within you.
I don’t believe any human is born “super” per say, just that some have found ways to tap in, dig deep inside and extrapolate the stardust of their being.
You are greatness. Yes, you are.
Rumi says: “You are not one drop in the ocean, you are the entire ocean in one drop” and Mother Theresa added that “the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.” That drop is you.
You may sometimes feel like your input may not be valuable, may not make a difference to the big picture but you will never know until you find the courage within, step in the ring and see how different everything becomes. There are so many who believe in you, encourage and support you, advice and stand by you, but when you awaken towards your destiny, great things will happen.
Start with you.
Sharlene Rowe is a Motivational Mentor and Personal Development writer who discusses Positive thinking and Growth Mindset. She is founder of the Yellow Flowers Women's Network aimed at empowering women and girls. Send feedback to misssrowe@yahoo.com
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