OJay Koolers offers free delivery service amid COVID-19 crisis
- Apr 28, 2020 04:50 PM | News

Recent spike in COVID-19 cases in the parish has forced the government to quarantine the entire area, with general movement restricted to specific days only.
Director of Old Harbour-based company, Lloyd Lewin, explained the decision saying “each citizen’s association can call our office and make arrangements for bulk order and we will deliver to that community”.
The idea Lewin further explained, is in keeping with social distancing measures instituted by the government to contain the spread of the coronavirus on the island which currently stands at more than 350 confirmed cases and seven fatalities.
Lewin, whose company manufactures a range of fruit juices, milk and milk-based products, stressed that all protocols under the Disaster Risk Management Act will be observed by his staff in serving residents.
“Social distancing is very important to protect our staff and also the residents,” he said. “So we must respect that at all times.”
Heads of citizen’s associations or an appointed representative can contact OJay Koolers at 876 552 6176; 876 578 4097; via email ojaykoolers@gmail.com or visit its head office at 26 South Street, Old Harbour. Minimum order is $1,500.
Lewis noted however that the service will not be available on Saturdays for religious reason.