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DAILY DEVOTION: Who's the Boss of me? (The Opposition)

  • Feb 19, 2021 05:00 AM | Religion

Image by John Hain from Pixabay

Have you ever heard of a player who switched teams? He is now playing for the rivals, the enemies. He's a traitor, a sellout. When he is on the ball ‘the boos’ from the ‘forsaken fans’ ring around the grounds.

There are some people who sink because of opposition like that. Others focus on the reason they left and they rise atop ‘the boos’ and do very well. A person, who switches allegiance from serving the devil to serving God, will get his fair share of opposition. It comes from the devil himself, we know, but what's discouraging is sometimes the channel through which it comes: teasing mates; family members giving you a few weeks; a spouse telling you to snap out of it; a Christian, who is watching you struggle and say, ‘I know you won't last’. Sometimes it seem like the easier thing to do is to just stop swimming against the current. But think about that for a moment. If you stop, then you will be washed away, with the rubbish and after a while, you will start to feel like rubbish. Hey, this is war, and opposition is a part of it! No retreat, no surrender. The reason you were rescued from the old boss is so that you will not end up in a rubbish heap. Press forward, prove them all (even those condescending Christians) wrong. God, your new Boss, has paid a big price to get you out of that rubbish heap. Focus on Him. He has some encouragers around. Seek them out, become one of them. Look out for others who are new and need a friend. Tell them to swim on!

Romans 8:31: What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?

Pastor Gary Williams is head of the Cedar Grove Baptist (Independent) Church, located at Cedar Grove Estate, Portmore, St Catherine. Send feedback to or