The problem with a living sacrifice is it crawls off the altar when things get too hot. What cause flaws in a building project?
It could be due to the flaws of the building materials or the flaws of the builder. It would be unreasonable to blame the building itself. Except in the cases where the buildings are "alive" and have minds and stubborn wills of our own. Our Divine Mason is perfect and His materials are excellent. We are the only variables. If your construction gets stalled it's either by design - the Master is allowing something to set; or by default - you might have ran off the altar, again. How many times have we disliked what we are being built for, because we are not seeing the finished product and we run off? But to leave now is to live in a flawed state. Although a partly finished building can be inhabited, it can also be a dangerous place. When we run away from the Master, we can be a danger to ourselves and to others. Worse, we go to the Dark Builder,
who will certainly turn us into a place of entertainment, where a lot of people can come and have "fun" - but we are left empty and unfulfilled and still flawed, as we live outside of our purpose. Now I know that buildings don't run away, but we do. We leave the Master's will and go to the Dark Builder, where we will end up in the prodigal's pig pen - flawed. If you have not run off - stay with the Master. But if you have run off, here's my advice: Remember, repent and return. The Master will receive, renew and rebuild.
Luke 15:18a - I will arise and go to my Father...
Pastor Gary Williams is head of the Cedar Grove Baptist (Independent) Church, located at Cedar Grove Estate, Portmore, St Catherine, and also a certified counsellor. Send feedback to or