Normal service has resumed to the Old Harbour Health Centre after staff there returned positive covid-19 test results.
As a result, regular operations were suspended yesterday and a thorough deep cleaning exercise was carried out at the facility.
The public can now access all services offered at the facility in keeping with established protocols under the Disaster Risk Management Act.
Meanwhile, the St Catherine Health Department is urging members of the public to visit the nearest health centre to register for the covid-19 vaccination programme.
The vaccine programme, which got under way on March 10, is being undertaken in three phases.
Phase one is targeted at vulnerable groups, including healthcare workers, non-health front-line workers (police, army, correctional services, customs and immigration officers), parliamentarians, persons over 60 years and institutionalised persons.
Phase two will target persons deemed essential to economic activity and will entail other public-sector workers, hotel workers, the transportation sector, manufacturing sector, banking sector, and the agricultural sector.
The general public will be vaccinated during phase three.
Health Minister Dr. Christopher Tufton said the programme, is aimed at inoculating approximately two million persons over 11 months and “is one of the most ambitious and aggressive public health initiatives to be undertaken”.