DAILY DEVOTION: Wrestling with God | Jacob 5
Article By: Pastor Williams
- Apr 17, 2021 07:45 PM | Religion

If you thought that your high office was due to your hard work and self-attained worthiness, well think again. God might have promoted you because you put in the hard work, but know for sure that some have put in hard work but were not promoted and some have put in less work, they were moved up. God is the only constant in the equation, not talent, input or luck.
So when you are going for your promotion, don't walk on others to get it.
Jacob has been a big loser so far because of his low regard for others. For sure, he was born with a competitive fire in him, but in reaching his goals, he has burned others. That makes him a loser. Esau cried with bitter tears for a blessing from his father. Isaac had to conjure up something, because he emptied the blessing bowl on Jacob. Which tells us to be careful of favoritism among children. You can really hurt the children when they pick up on it. Esau came away with an inferior blessing but a superior hatred for his brother.
It's important for us to know where we should look for our blessings and promotions: Always to God and never to man. And when God gives it, let's receive it with grace and humility.
Let's check the scores: Isaac, who got in a 2nd blessing, is now on 2; Esau, though full of hate, still got a little blessing, he's on 2 also; Jacob, because of how he is gaining his advantages, is still being called out by the fair play Judge and is on a grand total of 0.
Pastor Gary Williams is head of the Cedar Grove Baptist (Independent) Church, located at Cedar Grove Estate, Portmore, St Catherine, and also a certified counsellor. Send feedback to kgdaddie@yahoo.com or editorial@oldharbournews.com.