DAILY DEVOTION: Wrestling with God | Jacob 7
Article By: Pastor Williams
- Apr 17, 2021 07:50 PM | Religion

Although our focus is on Jacob and his wrestlings through the various issues in his life, it was sad to see what was happening to Esau. When he realized that his Caananite wives were not pleasing to his parents, he went and married an Ishmaelite woman, which was still missing the mark. This tells us that when we operate in the flesh, ever our best efforts are still wrong.
Jacob is now lining up his life. He goes to his father for the next step. He was told what to do and he moved out in full obedience. He could have jumped into a selfish mode and told his parents that if they wanted a wife from Haran for him, then they would have to do for him what was done for his father and send a servant to go and get her. Although, Jacob was an adult, he obeyed his parents and started the journey north.
Which of these brothers are you more like? Esau - who, after the flesh, chose from sight or Jacob - who, in faith, obeyed his parents and went to search for God's plan? Like Jacob, if you want to start scoring good points in your life's struggles, you must learn to trust and obey God.
Scoreboard: Esau 0; Jacob 1.
Pastor Gary Williams is head of the Cedar Grove Baptist (Independent) Church, located at Cedar Grove Estate, Portmore, St Catherine, and also a certified counsellor. Send feedback to kgdaddie@yahoo.com or editorial@oldharbournews.com.