DAILY DEVOTION: Wrestling with God | Jacob 11
Article By: Pastor Williams
- Apr 17, 2021 08:02 PM | Religion

When you live in the home of a wrestler, even one in training, you learn to wrestle. For the role of "first lady" to their husband, the two sisters had their emotional wrestling. They used all kind of subtle strategies. Leah's advantage was she was married to him first and Rachel's advantage was, he loved her more. Poor Jacob, who do you make "First Lady?" He never asked for this. Just give my Rachel and let me go, or maybe I should have just been satisfied with my Leah and gone. I wonder if this is where the history of men hiding from home behind their work started?!
One of the worse place to be is in the middle of a fight, of which you dare not take side or they might both attack you, and what's worse, you are the subject of the fight - Caramba plus tax! Jacob's delicate walk was to cater to both of them. Anywhere in this fight you see yourself, cry out to God and He, in due time, will give you the desires of HIS heart, it will be good for you, trust Him.
Pastor Gary Williams is head of the Cedar Grove Baptist (Independent) Church, located at Cedar Grove Estate, Portmore, St Catherine, and also a certified counsellor. Send feedback to kgdaddie@yahoo.com or editorial@oldharbournews.com.