DAILY DEVOTION: Wrestling with God | Jacob 9
Article By: Pastor Williams
- Apr 17, 2021 07:57 PM | Religion

Have you ever watched a cartoon and seen how a greedy person is depicted by the $$ (sound "Chi-cheng) in their eyes? Have you ever been in a wrestling match and don't even know it?
The last time we saw Laban, he was drooling over the jewels brandished by Abraham's unnamed servant, who came for Rebekah to be Isaac's wife. Laban was probably thinking, "that family has the blessing of God on them." Laban has the main heir of that family in his house. "If I could "milk" some blessings, through this man onto my home, everyone would benefit, especially me."
Are there people who just see us only for what they can get out of us? Let me put a spin on things. God will lead us to all kind of places, with all kind of people, who may do us all kind of things, “all for our good and His glory”. A pay-day for them is a pray day for us, and every pray day is a Praise Day! Always remember that God has us in training and while we are there trust Him to fight our battles for us. LET'S TRUST HIM!
Pastor Gary Williams is head of the Cedar Grove Baptist (Independent) Church, located at Cedar Grove Estate, Portmore, St Catherine, and also a certified counsellor. Send feedback to kgdaddie@yahoo.com or editorial@oldharbournews.com.