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Search continues in river for Bartons man

Search continues in river for Bartons man

Article By: Old Harbour News
  • Aug 29, 2021 02:24 PM | Featured, Top News, News

Hakeen Robinson (Contributed Photo)

The search continues with the hope of finding a 22-year-old man who is suspected to have drowned in the Corner Gully River in Bartons, St Catherine.

Missing is Hakeem Robinson who his sister describes as a jovial, hardworking young man who gets along with just about everyone in the community.

On August 25 Hakeem and some friends went to the river about 2:00 pm for a swim, a regular trip for locals in the community.

However, their frolic turned into panic and later despair when Hakeem ventured into a deep section of the water and got into difficulties.

“One of the girls tell mi dat they were up at the top and he was down at the bottom. One a dem tell mi se dem luk an si him in a di wata and dem se dem luk and si liik him go dung inna di wata and him se suppm to dem and him hand up in a di wata and dem no si him agen. So dem se de de a call out to him fi bout 15 minits and a chek and dem stil no si him, so dem com out and call som odda ones an dem go bak dung dere and dem no si him,” sister Dagea Robinson told Old Harbour News.

Dagea said she became aware of the situation about 5:00 pm upon which other family members joined in the search but to no avail. She said she's not aware of her brother being an able swimmer.

Their quest was further complicated as persistent torrential rainfall for the next 48 hours triggered a deluge of roaring, muddy waters from upstream. With the water subsiding the search resumed, albeit it with faint hopes.

DSP Mark Harris, commander in charge of Old Harbour Police Zone, led a team of officers to the area, Old Harbour understands and has advised the family that assistance will be sought from the Jamaica Defence Force (JDF) coast guards.

The search along the coastline will likely be concentrated in the Bushy Park area, as the Corner Gully River connects with the Coburn Gully which passes through the communities of Spring Village, Nightingale Grove and Bushy Park.

Dagea who is 32, said she could almost sense something bad was going to happen that day. She said she called warning her brother who she said she literally raised herself, not to “come out the yard” even though he’s an adult.

Apparently Hakeem chose to honour that wish until his friends came calling. It was perhaps a call that he could not turn down, as one of the girls is said to be his fiancé.

Dagea, who recently gave birth, said the children are traumatised by the ordeal which is also taking a mental and emotional toll on her as well.

“Mi affi a sidung ova dem. Mi affi a try be di counsellor fi dem, which mi mi-self want counsel. If mi find him and get closure maybe dem (children) can be at likkle eez,” she said.

The entire family who also hails from Myersville, St Elizabeth is in a despondent mood, Dagea said, while the situation has compounded matters for Hakeem’s mother who is ailing at the moment.

Persons who traverse the river channel are being urged to be on the lookout for any unusual signs.

Adrian Samuda, businessman turned politician, is among those who have been helping the family to search for Hakeem. Samuda, is however, calling on the authorities to “move with more urgency”.