St Elizabeth man charged by Old Harbour police
Article By: Old Harbour News

The man, whose identity investigators have decided to withhold for the time being, was charged with possession of an illegal weapon, ammunition, stolen property, shooting with intent among others.
According to the police investigation approximately 6:00 pm Friday, they received information about a blue Honda Stream motor vehicle stolen from May Pen in the neighbouring parish of Clarendon.
The vehicle was spotted by the officers in the Grove area along Old Harbour Road where a chase ensued. The driver of the Honda then lost control of the car and crashed into a ditch in the vicinity of the abandoned bridge originally built for the then Old Harbour bypass.
The report further stated there was an exchange of gunfire between the police and men who alighted from the vehicle following which one of the men whose identification indicates that he’s from St Elizabeth was held and a Browning semi-automatic pistol with 13 live rounds was seized.
Details are still sketchy regarding the other accomplices who were in the stolen vehicle.
Old Harbour News was unable to ascertain the number of persons in the stolen vehicle at the time, if they were injured during crossfire or escaped.