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Embracing the Future: Introducing AI to Jamaica's Next Generation

Why Focus on Children?
Children possess an innate curiosity and adaptability, uniquely suited for exploring new…

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The 6 most important decisions you’ll ever make

First I would like to say what an honor it is to be here today and to get a chance to speak to these young ladies. I use to run a Girl’s…

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National Icon status raises more questions

The Government of Jamaica offers several significant categories of national awards, including:

1. Order of National Hero


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Double Standard: Reflections on Celebrities, Race, and the Law

I often ponder the disparities in the treatment of Black and White celebrities in similar situations. Many people wonder if there is a…

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Merging Emancipation with Independence days diminishes its significance

Who would have the audacity to minimize the importance of Emancipation Day, a day that symbolizes the freedom of enslaved Black people and…

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A letter to Mr. Adidja ‘Vybz Kartel’ Palmer

I was one of many who advocated for your release. I defended your release from imprisonment, even at the cost of losing friendships. I must…

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Jamaica’s UN vote against Israel unjust

Israel’s presence in Gaza, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem stems from the preemptive defensive war of 1967 when Israel was attacked by…

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Dr Nigel Clarke’s IMF ascent: Ability or Reward?

She said: “Mr. Clarke is an exceptional public servant and policymaker, with proven leadership in institution building and economic crisis…

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Demoted Toronto cop Stacy Clarke an inspirational advocate for Blacks in Canada

Sam Sharpe, one of Jamaica's seven national heroes, was an educated Black enslaved person who led a passive resistance in 1831 that played a…

  • | Commentary, Diaspora

Diaspora cannot solve Jamaica’s crime problem

While researching the content for this article, a friend sent me the link to an article by Ambassador Curtis Ward three years ago. The…

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Honoring mothers in Islam: A debt we can never repay

The Quran explicitly enjoins kindness and respect towards parents, with a special emphasis on mothers.

In chapter 17, verse 24, Allah…

  • | Commentary, Religion

Prosecution case looks weak should Vybz Kartel retrial goes ahead

The results of the original conviction we can put aside for now. The decision in 2020 of a three-member Court of Appeal, based on the…

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Empowerment Through Modesty: Lessons from Islam on International Women’s Day

My religion provides a framework that honors and protects women's modesty. It acts as a shield against objectification and exploitation.…

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More work needed to advance women in Jamaica

For centuries, men have led in all phases of life: politics, law and security, religion, and business. There were no spaces for women. In…

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Bob Marley deserves National Hero status

He was not a politician and did not engineer the country's quest for independence; neither was he a freedom…

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Solving Jamaica’s ‘brain drain’ conundrum

Indeed, this is welcoming news.

However, while we breathe some relief it cannot be ignored that more investments are needed to retain…

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