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'What I have done wrong over the years was to remain silent'

Whether in good times or bad, most people say that stress interferes at least moderately with their lives. Chronic stress can affect your…

  • | Commentary

Holness’ push to expedite revised NIDS law causing ‘grave disquiet’

Almost one year ago to the day, on the 12th of April 2019, the Full Court of the Supreme Court of Jamaica struck down the National…

  • | News, Commentary

Easter communion with a difference

For the first time in the 92-year history of Elim Assembly the Communion Service, which is quaintly referred to as Breaking of Bread Service…

  • | Commentary, Religion

'Long before anyone realised it, one of my aunts knew'

GENERALIZED ANXIETY DISORDER is characterized by persistent worry or fear. People with this disorder worry about a number of…

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'I asked myself would I go crazy'

Anxiety disorders can develop from a complex set of risk factors, including genetics, brain chemistry, personality, and life events. Anxiety…

  • | Commentary

'I was now afraid of my own shadow'

The question of what exactly happens in your brain during an anxiety attack can’t be answered fully yet, but scientists are beginning…

  • | Commentary

Suffering in silence | Coping with anxiety disorder

For people with anxiety disorders, worry and fear are constant and overwhelming, and can be crippling.

An anxiety disorder is…

  • | Commentary, Health

Blunting the impact and hard choices: Early lessons from China

Hard choices

Success in containing the virus comes at the price of slowing economic activity, no matter whether…

  • | Commentary

Coronavirus Economic Planning: Hoping for the best, prepared for the worst

Similarly, countries hit by a sudden and unexpected public health emergency—as coronavirus is proving to be—can see their…

  • | Business, Commentary

Limiting the economic fallout of the coronavirus

Video: What policies are needed to support the economy?

  • | Commentary

Why the Guyanese people should reject the LBGTQ political agenda

The Caribbean CAUSE, a regional group consisting of individuals and groups from 16 Caribbean territories including Guyana note with concern…

  • | News, Commentary

Jamaican Creole - More than mistress (linguistic side gyal) material

Frankly, it seems like Jamaican Creole is what I will call the linguistic 'side gyal' while English is 'wife material'. The…

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What Koffee's Grammy win teaches us about rejection

But who can really deny that Koffee is as addictive as her namesake, leaving even toddlers belting, "Toast! We nuh rise an boast!"…

  • | Commentary

Crisis Communication Study: Iran catching up with jetliner crash

After three days of denial, the Iranian government and military eventually disclosed that they mistook the…

  • | Commentary

Reduce inequality to create opportunity

Inequality of opportunity. Inequality across generations. Inequality between women and men. And, of course, inequality of income and wealth…

  • | Commentary

Senator Haughton’s penchant for misspeaking


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