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Disappointment turned to anger then back to disappointment - A view from a man in the street

I was disappointed that she didn't just exercise her other powers of telling us to "hit the road" because we could not park…

  • | Commentary

EDITORIAL: Old Harbour had its ‘Crab Circle moment’, now what’s next?

Both were thankfully caught on camera and shared with the public to pass their own judgement; both spurring the relevant authorities into…

  • | Commentary

Sleep like a king Errol Lewin

Such was his immense measure and influence in this community of approximately 60,000 inhabitants.

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Covid-19 Pandemic: The crisis of a lack of truth

This reality was magnified during the recent Covid episode when Big Pharma, in concert with the World Health Organisation (WHO), the Food and…

  • | News, Commentary, Health

Dunce culturalism a threat to good education

Attacks on the education system in an attempt to dumb down a nation should not be tolerated. Policies should be in place to protect and…

  • | Commentary, Diaspora

Greater Toronto Area: A vast and well-developed Jamaican ecosystem

I have viewed the impact of many of these organizations from a personal and global perspective. The JCA in Canada, however, is a different…

  • | Commentary, Diaspora

Holy Week: A recollection of Easter in Jamaica

Suffice it to say; I understood the response entirely because I also missed the start of Lent.  Two days after Ash Wednesday, I realized…

  • | Commentary, Diaspora

Advocacy group questions Canada’s influence on Jamaica’s Constitutional Reform Committee

The Jamaica Coalition for a Healthy Society (JCHS) notes that the Government has finally named the members of the Constitutional Reform…

  • | News, Commentary

Leadership and the Diaspora

Many of us jump into action and in front to capture the opportunity to quickly become famous, with the fantasy of knocking heads with high-…

  • | Commentary, Diaspora

Jamaican Diaspora: Reflections of the good ole days at Christmas time

With December hosting the darkest day of the year, the Pagans lit bonfires to keep the darkness away.  Unable to curb the Pagan…

  • | Commentary, Diaspora

Garbage and its deeper social and political implications for Jamaica

With the garbage in mind, I decided to have her take me to the Riverton City dump. I never knew where this place was, so I was genuinely…

  • | Commentary

The nexus between early childhood education and crime

These are the stories in the news announced by leaders in the past week. The question is, do you now see why Jamaica has the highest crime…

  • | Commentary

The PNP is a vessel of confusion, misinformation and desperation

This especially after the JLP government’s expert handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. The People’s National Party (PNP) has…

  • | Commentary

Exposing the myth of African responsibility for slavery (Part 1)

The only way to respond to this type of mischievous propaganda is to subject it to the cold hard undisputed facts of history!  So,…

  • | Commentary

The confusing squatters’ rights debate in Jamaica

Since slavery, the Jamaican governments have had interesting relationships with informal occupants.  However confusing at times,…

  • | Commentary

Crime | Jamaica’s big white elephant

It took me many years of interactions but never able to understand concepts and terminologies and effective ways of determining how to help…

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