ICWI donates $1 million towards cancer fight
The handover was made by President of ICWI, Paul Lalor, who shared his perspective. “ICWI remains committed to the fight against breast…
- | Health
New rapid antigen tests could transform COVID-19 response in the Americas
Unlike previous rapid antibody tests, which can show when someone has had COVID-19 but often give a negative result during the early stages…
- | News, Health, International
Jamaica seeks partnership with China, Americas to establish emerging infectious disease research centre
The Centre will be geared at expanding the knowledge of emerging and re-emerging viruses in the Latin American and Caribbean region.
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Children with cancer continues to benefit from life-saving initiative
As telemedicine partner and key supporter of the programme for many years, Scotiabank has seen first-hand the importance of the programme,…
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$25M Brown’s Hall Health Centre opens
The Type 1 facility was built at a cost of $25 million, with funding by Kemtek Development & Constructions Limited and Omni Industries…
- | News, Health
The Jamaica Diaspora Health Taskforce rolls out online seminar series
The Jamaica Diaspora Health Taskforce (JDHT), part of the Jamaica Diaspora Taskforce Action Network (JDTAN), is seeking to add value to the…
- | Diaspora, Health
Jamaicans with possible cancer symptoms encouraged to seek medical attention
Speaking at a Jamaica Information Service (JIS) ‘Think Tank’ at the agency’s Regional Office in Montego Bay, St. James, on…
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Sir John Golding Rehab receives portable ultrasound machine
Speaking at the official handover presentation on July 3 Dr. Rory Dixon, senior medical officer, SJGRC, said that the machine will improve…
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Mental Health | Breaking up but living in the same house for the sake of the children
What is Psychotherapy?
Some psychotherapists are counsellors who are trained to give you guidance about how to solve…
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Old Harbour Bay residents benefit from annual JEP health fair
The event was held on June 12 and managed in complete different circumstance due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic around the world. …
- | News, Health
JEP guarantees free medical for 120 Old Harbour Bay residents
In keeping with the current social distancing protocols stipulated by the local health authorities due to COVID-19, this year’s staging…
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PAHO calls to accelerate and expand COVID-19 testing
“We need a clearer view of where the virus is circulating and how many people have been infected in order…
- | News, Health, International
KPH receives COVID-19 aid from local Chinese community
The handover was done yesterday at Garmex Freezone valued at over three million Jamaican dollars.
According to Wentworth Charles,…
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'Boost immune system to fight COVID-19'
Speaking in an interview with JIS News, Mrs. Graham-Thompson, said there are ways to keep the immune system functioning optimally “…
- | News, Health
Suffering in silence | Coping with anxiety disorder
For people with anxiety disorders, worry and fear are constant and overwhelming, and can be crippling.
An anxiety disorder is…
- | Commentary, Health
10 Jamaicans benefit from free scoliosis surgery
The Duncan Tree is a United States-based charitable organization established by Ouida Duncan to help adolescents with complex spinal…
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