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DAILY DEVOTION: Working for The King (Teamwork)

  • Feb 02, 2021 09:38 PM | Religion

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

We have partners in the trenches with us. We have to learn to apply the ‘one anothers’ of scriptures. I have to love, forgive and forbear with one another.

I have to pray that my teammates get their act together for their own and my sake. A weak partner is a spiritual liability. It's like you and other sentries are commanded to guard the gates of a castle. You have all been through serious training and should be able to carry out your duties with expert precision.  The royal residents of the castle are depending on you to keep the enemies out. One of your partners has a weakness, but he still wants to do sentry duty. For the safety of everyone, you need to be ready to reinforce this partner in the event of an attack. If his post is breached many could be lost. It is not good enough for me to just ‘hold my own’. The enemy of our souls knows where and who the weaker ones are. We must also let him learn that the weaker ones are not alone. God has called us to support one another in the fight for the kingdom of God. What a privilege to know three special fighting facts: 1. When I am the weaker one, my brothers have me covered; 2. I have other weaker brothers covered; and 3. Our Champion, the Lord Himself, has us all covered. We never fight without each other or without our Champion. Victory is guaranteed because of this special Teamwork.

Romans 15:1: We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of those that are weak, and not to please ourselves. Read also Gal. 6:1-2.


Pastor Gary Williams is head of the Cedar Grove Baptist (Independent) Church, located at Cedar Grove Estate, Portmore, St Catherine. Send feedback to or

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