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DAILY DEVOTION: Claiming abundance (The Pressing)

  • Feb 08, 2021 07:40 PM | Religion

It's very important to know that God, our provider will bring to pass the things that we cannot do, but He almost never does for us the things that we can and should do for ourselves.

There is so much that God has for us but He calls us into partnership, with Him providing the resources and we providing the vessel, through which He will work. Surely salvation is all God's doing, but as we dare to move into the abundance that He has for us, we'll have to apply a disciplined approach to our Christian living. We cannot expect to become giants, if we never grow and we cannot expect to grow, if we never feed and exercise. This is what God requires of us, if we are to be giants for Him. The diligent Bible reading, all night praying and faithful and daily application of spiritual truths in our lives, are what abundant living is about. Whether or not God blesses you with a car or a house is irrelevant to the essence of abundant living. Claiming abundance is about living your best life in whatever space that God graciously placed you. This only happens as you totally give yourself to being His child. Abundance is pressing for 100% in whatever you be and do (in that order), for the glory of God. God wants us as His children to use everything we have to reach to the heights that He has set for each one of us. Let's press for our abundance.

Phil. 3:14-I: Press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus

Pastor Gary Williams is head of the Cedar Grove Baptist (Independent) Church, located at Cedar Grove Estate, Portmore, St Catherine. Send feedback to or

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