DAILY DEVOTION: Waiting on God – Abraham
Article By: Pastor Williams
- Mar 14, 2021 12:00 AM | Religion

God had just changed Abram's name (which meant Exalted Father) to Abraham (which now means Father of Nations). He was now 99 years old, his wife was 89 and together, they had zero children. If something was going to happen, it should have happened by now. Abraham trustingly embraced both the name and the promises and although he chuckled at one time, he seemed to be pleased at the prospects more than unbelieving of the possibility. God would use stars in the skies (Gen.15:5) to exemplify how many descendants will come from this man who looked on, without a baby in his hand. However Abraham held God's promise in his heart, as his assurance.
It's very important that when God makes us a promise that we hold that promise in our heart for as much surety as the fulfilment in our hands (Heb.11:1). God is totally trustworthy and it glorifies Him when we believe His promises, even the impossible sounding ones. Waiting on God might be harder than walking with or working for Him. There is an awkward moment (can't tell you how long) when nothing is the only thing that seems to be happening. Like Abraham, let us not lean on our natural senses, but unwaveringly trust God to deliver whatever He has promised, in His time.
Pastor Gary Williams is head of the Cedar Grove Baptist (Independent) Church, located at Cedar Grove Estate, Portmore, St Catherine, and also a certified counsellor. Send feedback to kgdaddie@yahoo.com or editorial@oldharbournews.com.